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Thread: The importance of staying FOCUSED !!

  1. #1
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    Default The importance of staying FOCUSED !!

    So after 4 or 5 months of SR shaving daily I start my day like any other. But before I begin my morning ritual I notice that the dog is acting funny. After giving Fido the once over I determine I have to get him to the Vet. So I dial up the Vet and make an appointment. I still have plenty of time to get a shave in without rushing. So off I go.

    I examine my recently honed razor and determine it is wicked sharp, and make a mental note that I need to bring my "A" game. Lather up, and off we go. I am almost finished with my shave and my mind starts to drift as I am more than a little bit concerned about the pooch. A millisecond loss of focus resulted in a 3 inch gash on my cheek from placing the razor on my face at the wrong angle. Thank God the razor wasn't moving or I would be writing this from the ER. I ended up with more of a slash than a cut. But bloody none the less.

    But wait, the blood bath continues. So now I am focused on the gash on my face and put the razor down while looking at my face. Once again, lack of focus results in a cut to my finger.

    Bottom line lesson learned: If you are not 100% focused on that razor every second it is in your hand, put the damn thing down and walk away !!!! This is the first time I cut myself. It is also the first time my SR shave didn't have 100% of my attention.

    On the plus side, I am kinda digging the Pirate look.

  2. #2
    Senior Member AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newton3108 View Post
    So after 4 or 5 months of SR shaving daily I start my day like any other. But before I begin my morning ritual I notice that the dog is acting funny. After giving Fido the once over I determine I have to get him to the Vet. So I dial up the Vet and make an appointment. I still have plenty of time to get a shave in without rushing. So off I go.

    I examine my recently honed razor and determine it is wicked sharp, and make a mental note that I need to bring my "A" game. Lather up, and off we go. I am almost finished with my shave and my mind starts to drift as I am more than a little bit concerned about the pooch. A millisecond loss of focus resulted in a 3 inch gash on my cheek from placing the razor on my face at the wrong angle. Thank God the razor wasn't moving or I would be writing this from the ER. I ended up with more of a slash than a cut. But bloody none the less.

    But wait, the blood bath continues. So now I am focused on the gash on my face and put the razor down while looking at my face. Once again, lack of focus results in a cut to my finger.

    Bottom line lesson learned: If you are not 100% focused on that razor every second it is in your hand, put the damn thing down and walk away !!!! This is the first time I cut myself. It is also the first time my SR shave didn't have 100% of my attention.

    On the plus side, I am kinda digging the Pirate look.
    Soooo, how's the dog?? () Just kidding! Hopefully ALL is well!

    Is the dog OK?

  3. #3
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    We've all had momentary laps and dumb moments, especially in the first year and chasing the perfect shave.

    Still have a slight scar on my finger from a lapse in smarts and tried a wonky angle.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Mrchick's Avatar
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    I have a two inch scar on my cheek from a similar moment. Prates unite![emoji12]
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Whizbang's Avatar
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    Yup...been there done that. Not quite 3 inches...but an inch on my chin. And as you said, it only takes a fraction of a second of inattention and the blade is digging in. The good news will heal and it is a good excuse to dig out those SE or DE razors that are now gathering dust and show them they still mean something to you.

  6. #6
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    If you don't keep your eye on that edge, it will remind you.
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  7. #7
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    At least you know your edge was keen!
    rolodave and dinnermint like this.

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