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Thread: New Member

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default New Member

    New to the forum here. I've been DE wet shaving for about a decade and hope to get started with a couple of straight razors inherited from my grandfather. Looking forward to learning more!

    About me: I'm a classical musician living in New England.

    Here's a poll I posted about my heritage razors soliciting recommendations on which to have restored, and where to sent it:
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome to SRP! I couldn't decide between which blade to restore as I have zero experience with Sheffield steel. Just my $0.02, I prefer larger blades, so 5/8 is the smallest I use and very infrequently. My favorite size is about 6/8 to 7/8. I love my Solingen, Germany steel razors, FWIW. Personally, I believe both blades are worth restoring, so I would either flip a coin or choose the one your gut recommends.

    Glen (gssixgun) provides top-notch blade restoration work from his website here:

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Speedster; 02-20-2017 at 11:48 PM.

  3. #3
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    Welcome to SRP and your straight shaving adventure.

    I recommend getting them both restored. That way, if you roll your edge through improper stropping as you learn, you won't have to wait while that now dull razor is out getting honed; you can start with the other while waiting for the first to be returned. Also, if you're having trouble with irritation, you can try a pass with the second razor and see if you've dulled the first or if it's a technique issue.
    BobH and eddy79 like this.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speedster View Post
    Hello and welcome to SRP! I couldn't decide between which blade to restore as I have zero experience with Sheffield steel. Just my $0.02, I prefer larger blades, so 5/8 is the smallest I use and very infrequently. My favorite size is about 6/8 to 7/8. I love my Solingen, Germany steel razors, FWIW. Personally, I believe both blades are worth restoring, so I would either flip a coin or choose the one your gut recommends.

    Glen (gssixgum) provides top-notch blade restoration work from his website here:
    Thanks Speedster!

    I've read that 5/8 is fairly small, but they feel alright in my hands. I think they'll be good to begin with. Thanks for your advice!

    I've actually tried to contact Glen via email and had no luck (no reply). I'll try contacting him through the website. I may have found a defunct email for him. I've been looking for alternatives since I hadn't heard back from him after a couple of weeks.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Welcome to the forum.

    Either one or both are suitable to be restored. I'd eventually do both, especially being heirlooms, for the reason Moonshae mentioned.

    Either will shave well with a good edge put on them as both Sheffield and Solingen made excellent razors. In use there is not much difference between a 5/8 and an 11/16 sized razor. When Barbers were using straights to shave customers with I'd bet the razors they used were that size. It was all that was needed to do the job well.

    Enjoy your razors once they are done up.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Nothing wrong with 5/8 razors. Actually my preferred size
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