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Thread: Building lather

  1. #11
    Senior Member Paul76's Avatar
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    i did try face lathering today, that didn't go so well. Besides the mess it didn't thicken up as much as in the bowl. So my guess is if the bowl works I'll just keep it there.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    I shave in my boxer shorts and no shirt so that it's no problem if I'm shedding lather. Whether bowl or face lathering, it's inevitable that gravity takes hold and brings some down on my chest, arms, and/or the counter. And, I always keep 2 towels handy so that I can keep my hands and razor dry as needed.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I face lather and it took a while before I learned how to do it without getting it all over the place. I'd say load the soap from the puck with a fairly dry brush adding a little water at a time till you have a thick proto lather on the brush. Then start building your lather on your wet face adding a little water as you go till you get the lather right.

    If the lather is too wet at any point you will get it all over the place. If your painting strokes are like someone trying to slap their face with a wet mop you will get it all over the place. If you are too exuberant with your circular stroke you will get it all over the place. Like honing and shaving, lathering up does not take a lot of force or exaggerated strokes to get t done. Lighten up and slow down so you don't get it all over the place. Yes, I know that is no fun and a little OCD but it works, saves time on clean up and keeps the boss off your back for the mess you leave behind.

    rolodave, Mafuzul and Dieseld like this.
    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I'm sure glad my boss lives somewhere else. I hear enough about everything that isn't up to his standards between 8 and 5:30, I don't need him following me home to tell me my shaving technique isn't up to par too!
    BobH and Longhaultanker like this.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal View Post
    I'm sure glad my boss lives somewhere else. I hear enough about everything that isn't up to his standards between 8 and 5:30, I don't need him following me home to tell me my shaving technique isn't up to par too!
    If you are married they let you think you are the boss but don't count on it and others know the truth.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  6. #16
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Sums it up. Hehe.
    Last edited by MikeB52; 03-18-2017 at 03:28 PM.
    rolodave, BobH, eddy79 and 3 others like this.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  7. The Following User Says Thank You to MikeB52 For This Useful Post:

    Dieseld (03-18-2017)

  8. #17
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    that one is a classic Mike
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
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  9. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Just getting up off the floor now.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  10. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    If you are married they let you think you are the boss but don't count on it and others know the truth.

    There's a reason I stay single. And Mike's video about sums it up.

    Life's much simpler when the only <expletive deleted> you have to keep happy is your dog. All they need is a little food, water, and a game of fetch now and then. Always happy to see you when you get home, don't start fights, and they don't get angry when you go to the gentleman's club or have a lady friend stay over for the night.

    Edit: might consider marrying my truck though. Language warning :
    Last edited by Marshal; 03-18-2017 at 04:39 PM.
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  11. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal View Post
    There's a reason I stay single. And Mike's video about sums it up.

    Life's much simpler when the only <expletive deleted> you have to keep happy is your dog. All they need is a little food, water, and a game of fetch now and then. Always happy to see you when you get home, don't start fights, and they don't get angry when you go to the gentleman's club or have a lady friend stay over for the night.
    Yup, had a bad experience with my Ex but almost 30 years on with the new boss and no such problems. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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