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Thread: Help buying new razor... maybe

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    Senior Member azgabe's Avatar
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    Default Help buying new razor... maybe

    I need a little help regarding a new razor. Here's a little background info about me.

    Been DE shaving for over 5 years. I have tried more DE, SEs, brushes and soaps than I care to admit.

    I have about 20 straight shaves in so far. The results are decent but not comfortable. Certainly not as close as my DEs.

    I have a JA Henkels zwillinswerk 72 1/2 and an AOS grenadine wood straights. I think the AOS is Dovo, but not 100%.

    I had both honed my another member on another forum.

    Here are my questions

    Are these razors any good?

    If I buy another more expensive razor, will it be more comfortable?

    How much is a decent razor?

    At what price point am I just paying for name, rareity, luxury?

    An example would be Shavemac brushes.I believe Shavemacs and Thaters to be the best knots available at ANY price. Any more than these and your just paying for a name, handle material, customization, etc. certainly a TGN Finest is a great starter brush, but is doesn't compare to a Shavemac.

    I want to know what is the Shavemac of straights or the price point of these razors. I don't mind paying a little more if the comfort will increase. But there has to be a point where performance does not increase and the price is driven by another variable like rarity, name, etc.

    Ive seen the BST section but don't know if a $100 razor is more comfortable than a $50 one.

    Sorry for the long post and thank you for any help/advice.

    If these are decent razors I will continue to use them. I just don't want to quit if a better razor will increase the comfort.
    Last edited by azgabe; 04-06-2017 at 03:38 AM.

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