The retail prices suggested already ARE the low end of the spectrum. I have not seen a quality shave-ready blade retailing for anything less than $100 (e.g., BobH's suggested "Best Quality" Dovo basic model for $102). Used and/or vintage razors are a different story, but that doesn't help you in a retail situation. If wholesale prices tend to be half of retail, then you are looking at $50 minimum to get a decent Dovo razor at wholesale (as one example) plus honing costs to get the blade shave-ready.

I don't sense any indignation but to seriously suggest a poor-performing knife sharpener as a means for honing blades is a non-starter if you've done a little research into honing straight razors. Honing is a manual process that requires good stones and much practice. I would say that the "Honing" section of this forum is probably one of the top 3 most active for just that reason.

Considering what folks spend on disposable razors nowadays, I don't think the cost of entry for straight shaving is that much of a barrier in the long run. A quality razor lasts a lifetime plus if properly cared for. The problem is too many people tend to aim for good/fast/cheap which is almost always unrealistic.

Good luck with your business endeavor.