Although I'm too hard headed to be able to unopen pandora's box, and go to cheeks only, I didn't go too crazy.

I found some blood on the blade and found the little nick on the...I can't remember, but I think you guys have a name for the ridges on the mustache, but no bad disaster. Just a little nick. I tried to get a patch in between the chin cuts from yesterday which turned out okay. The throat is my tricky spot for some reason, and I didn't even touch it. I think my angle suffers a little there, and I need more muscle memory.

I love this kind of shaving though! I always hating shaving or was just indifferent to it, so this is very strange to have such a shift in thinking after so many years. It's kind of hard to wrap my head around looking forward to something I've never liked whatsoever, but always needed to do. The nice lather made with the brush vs shooting something out of a can is stellar feeling as well.