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Thread: Best way to deal with mineral oil

  1. #1
    Member Jwtruth45's Avatar
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    Default Best way to deal with mineral oil

    So, when i put the mineral oil on after shaving, and clean up I VERY gently wipe some oil with a square of toilet paper soaked with it, to near the edge. Then I wipe a little on the honed edge with my finger tip. Is that bad for the edge? Probably. Do people just drip a little on there with a smaller bottle, as to not ever touch it? I was super gentle, but these things seem so delicate.

    It sounds easy to mess up the edge of a razor. Should I then remove the oil with just hot water before stropping, so the edge isn't being touched by anything, and not getting oil on the strop?

    I was trying to look around for this, but didn't see it.
    Mark ~

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I don’t use mineral oil, but I do put Ballistol on razors I ship.

    I put a drop on a Qtip and ride the bevel. During the Rainy season I some time wipe the whole blade with a thin coat.

    A Qtip will not damage an edge and keeps your fingers well away from the edge.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I never bother oiling my blade anymore. They get a coat of renwax after the first shave after honing and that is how they stay. If I am putting them away, I wrap them in anti corrosion paper and tuck them away. Generally I shave with a blade for a week and during that week it sits open a little, and then off it goes for a while and I choose anther for the next week. I have no issues. I also have decant in my safe.
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  4. #4
    Member Jwtruth45's Avatar
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    I saw someone talking about the Renwax a couple days ago.

    It looks very interesting. I looked at their website, but they only sold larger amounts that I could see
    Mark ~

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  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    There is also small tins available. You can get a very similar product at Lee Valley called conservators wax.
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  8. #6
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    I'm similar to Rezdog. Renaissance wax after polish, hone etc.
    For a razor that I'll use the next day again, I strop 5 laps on lather loaded linen, and I figure that that provides sufficient protection to the edge of the bevel to last 24 hrs.

    If laying up, I put the tiniest dab of renwax or ballistol on the heel of my palm and palmstrop to spread that wax/oil onto the very edge of the bevel.

    Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
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  9. #7
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jwtruth45 View Post
    So, when i put the mineral oil on after shaving, and clean up I VERY gently wipe some oil with a square of toilet paper soaked with it, to near the edge. Then I wipe a little on the honed edge with my finger tip. Is that bad for the edge? Probably. Do people just drip a little on there with a smaller bottle, as to not ever touch it? I was super gentle, but these things seem so delicate.

    It sounds easy to mess up the edge of a razor. Should I then remove the oil with just hot water before stropping, so the edge isn't being touched by anything, and not getting oil on the strop?

    I was trying to look around for this, but didn't see it.
    You only need a few drops on a 1" square of cloth or tp. You can "strop" the oil onto the edge with it also.
    I just wipe off from the spine & don't worry re the edge mainly as the razor is already stropped before storage but any oil on it should be so minimal as to not stain the strop if you choose to strop pre shave.
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  10. #8
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Balistol here too.
    I do coat the entire blade, even the tang but this is only on razors that are restored and are just put away. One's I dont plan on using or at least not using much. Otherwise I dont oil. I store most of my razors open on a display board so they dry and look good displayed.
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  11. #9
    Senior Member Phoenix51's Avatar
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    Seldom if ever oil a blade but when I do, Ballistol is my lubricant of choice
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  12. #10
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    I've tried mineral oil but I didn't like the viscosity. Very cheap though and if you like it, all's good and that's all that really matters. I like to use Tuf-Glide.


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