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  1. #1
    Senior Member fredvs79's Avatar
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    Default how to get at the sides of your adam's apple?

    Hey folks,
    normally I get a 95% BBS shave with one pass WTG and one pass ATG. There is always one area that plagues me though - the sides of my adam's apple. I'm not sure if this area is called the jowels, but do you know where I'm talking about? That area seems to be recessed, and the hair neither grows up, nor down, but away from the adam's apple. It seems the normal up/down passes are neither WTG or AGT, but 90 degrees perpendicular to the grain.
    Most times this area requires a third pass, which generally leads to razor burn. I've experimented with trying to do a sideways pass (difficult), REALLY stretching the skin (helpful) and trying to use a "scything" motion, where either the toe or the heel of the razor leads a little bit (dangerous).
    The latter two give about 75-80% BBS, but not really as good as the rest of my face.

    Any other words of wizdom or advice?

  2. #2
      Lynn's Avatar
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    That can be a tough area. I would not recommend the scything, but to continue experimenting with stretching the skin. You may want to try flattening the angle of the blade to less than 30 degrees as well.

    Good Luck


  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I find to get that area I just hold my head up straight, stretch the skin as much as possible and use a very flat angle on the razor and go very slowly. I usually use a stroke away from the adams apple. Works for me.
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  4. #4
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    If your skin is loose enough, try pulling that skin either to the left or right as well. This has worked for me in the past. I also once saw some advice from Mparker (can't remember now if it was specifically for this area - I think it was): put your thumb and pointer (or middle finger) either side of the tricky area and twist 45-90 degrees. Then shave (carefully) in between your fingers (never personally tried this one).

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  5. #5
    Senior Member SteveS's Avatar
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    I'm fortunate (I think!) to be able to stretch my skin far enough to the sides that I can get everything with the heel of the razor. Someone here once suggested swallowing and "holding the swallow" to pull the adam's apple up out of the way. I tried that and it works, but I prefer just pulling the skin to the sides.

  6. #6
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I find, along with good stretching, a lower angle of attack and good lubrication, that a smiling or curved blade helps a lot. it reaches into the concave beside my adam's apple well.

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