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Thread: Anyone use a one pass ATG?

  1. #1
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    Default Anyone use a one pass ATG?

    I'm 6 months into straight edge shaving. I Absolutely love it. I'm able to hone my own razors effectively. Ive been doing 2.5 passes. Does anyone here just do one pass ATG? It seems like he way my hair grows the first pass (with the pre shave oil) would be the best But it takes the second pass atg to get that bbs -absolutely smooth feel but there isn't much oil left. I am just wondering if there are some folks that have more experience that I do that actually get by with a single atg pass.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hacker7's Avatar
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    Hello. I can get away with 1 pass ATG but I usually do 2 passes ATG. There is no law against it. But I'm not sure about that. Lol.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Not as a single pass. There are some that do a single, multi direction pass. I have not gotten quite so dialled in, plus I like playing with my toys. I do a first pass against the grain, which I could get away with as a decent shave, but most often I opt for a second pass across the grain, from ears to chin on my face and a sort of diagonal pass almost from the point of my chin digonally towards the sides of my neck, except the underside of my jaw goesears to chin like my face. For the most part I go with the two passes. If I have lapsed in my shave routine and have many days growth I will toss in a half pass, just on my muzzle with the grain.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    I do an ATG one pass shave all the time. My skin won't tolerate more than that. Moreover, I cannot see the point of doing more passes if one suffices. If you lather well and have a really sharp edge it should not be a problem IMHO.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Jlander's Avatar
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    Can't do a single pass. My beard grows in all kinds of weird directions. Even with a DE it takes 2 passes if I want a close shave. I tried an electric for a while, but it had to be used in a circular motion. So 2 passes are required for an acceptable shave.

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  6. #6
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    I'd do a single pass if in a hurry (otherwise i simply like to make more) - if my facial hair wasn't growing in (seemingly) spirals. I simply can't find a consistent direction that would be entirely W/X/ATG.

  7. #7
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    I can do a single atg pass using multiple angles, but I prefer to do multiple passes. You do have to make sure the blade is sharp and have good lather.
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  8. #8
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    Ok. It was a fun experiment. If I was in a hurry, it might sufficed. I'd say the quality was similar to my old shaves with a disposable. It was not as comfortable as I've grown accustomed to with my straights. I can get away with it on the side burns and cheeks but chin and fools pass was not easy. I'll go back to my old method. I am reminded why I switched to straight razors. I love the process and this shortcut takes away the quality of both the shave and the experience. It's doable for sure with a really sharp edge.

  9. #9
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by criswilson10 View Post
    I can do a single atg pass using multiple angles, but I prefer to do multiple passes. You do have to make sure the blade is sharp and have good lather.
    Same here. It's good enough if I'm in a hurry and in desperate need of a shave, but I'll usually end up with one or two minor nicks.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I suppose it is possible to get by with one ATG pass if you are in a hurry. If you are in a hurry why not just use a DE and save all the fuss using a straight razor involves.

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