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Thread: Status -- 3 Weeks With Straights

  1. #1
    Senior Member MrHouston's Avatar
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    Default Status -- 3 Weeks With Straights

    I've been shaving with DE razors for the past 3 years. I started shaving with SRs 3 weeks ago.

    My shaves have progressed from impossible to not bad -- even a little BBS on my cheeks today. I am starting to feel what the light touch is all about, but only in spots.

    I was graciously given a couple of shave ready straights by @jmabuse and @Newcreature. Then grabbed a couple more by trading off a couple of my collectible DE razors with @Darrell, who is leaving us for DEs.

    I have only spent money on a Whipped Dog Poor Man's Strop, which I have nicked up pretty badly -- there are a couple of 6 inch sections that I can still use. However, Darrell also threw in a couple of old strops that I am restoring. I am being conservative on spending, because I've been down the rabbit hole with DEs before.

    My biggest challenge has been shaving my goatee, esp my chin. In the last 2 shaves, that area has been good enough to go to work with. A few times, I've pulled out the DE to finish off the job -- I've tried not to do that too much.

    I asked here earlier about shaving soaps that may be better for SRs vs. DEs. The response I got was no, not really. That is probably true, except for beginners. It is taking me 30-40 minutes to shave right now. So I do find that some soaps that are usually fine, dry out too fast for such a long effort -- Tabac, DR Harris.

    My biggest surprise are cuts that show up after a day. I have apparently cut myself several times where I had no idea that I did it and saw no blood. But the next day there is a light scabbed line. Today, I am sporting 6 cuts from the past 3 days -- 4 are the mystery lines, 1 under my nose, and 1 on the inside of my nostril. None are bad or painful.

    I could give SRs a rest for a couple of days to heal up, but I really don't want to -- I'm making progress every shave. So, I vacillate between "Why am I putting myself through this?" to thinking about tomorrow's shave.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    Sounds like you're making all the right mistakes! taking it slow, not getting a bunch of equipment fast before you figure out what you like. These things take time.
    Though, if you stick with it you'll no doubt answer the questions as to "Why am I putting myself through this?" May your first great shave with a straight razor be right around the corner!
    Speedster, BobH and Paul76 like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member athiker's Avatar
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    DO NOT GIVE UP ! I've only been at this for about 2 years and, believe me, you'll get the " feel " for it and continually get better. How many times have you stepped back after shaving with a DE and said " yeah, I did that ! " lol. None for me . Hang in there and keep learning.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If you are still at the stage you are at now three months from now I'd be worried then. If you are having trouble with the lather drying out just lather a section of your face and shave it, then move on to the next patch. That way it should not have time to dry out on you.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  5. #5
    Senior Member MisterClean's Avatar
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    Blade angle, blade pressure and prep are like riding a bike, once you get it it's pretty much down hill.
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  6. #6
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    The benchmark for getting somewhat comfortable is 100 shaves.
    The truth is you will always be learning and tweaking something. It keeps getting better over time. For me, that's part of the allure of straight razor shaving.

    Pete <:-}
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    Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret ANYTHING
    That makes you smile." - Mark Twain

  7. #7
    Senior Member Longhaultanker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    If you are still at the stage you are at now three months from now I'd be worried then. If you are having trouble with the lather drying out just lather a section of your face and shave it, then move on to the next patch. That way it should not have time to dry out on you.

    That's about what I do. I lather just over half my face, then the other way round.
    A little advice: Don't impede an 80,000 lbs. 18 wheeler tanker carrying hazardous chemicals.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Longhaultanker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petercp4e View Post
    The benchmark for getting somewhat comfortable is 100 shaves. The truth is you will always be learning and tweaking something.
    I've read this 100 shaves thing many time. I know we don't want to discourage the beginners, but I think it takes more to get reasonably comfortable, to lose the fear factor. For me it was closer to a year. Only now, 2+ years am I getting comfortable with left hand ATG right side up stroke. But, OP, stay with it. You'll only amaze yourself in a year or so.
    BobH likes this.
    A little advice: Don't impede an 80,000 lbs. 18 wheeler tanker carrying hazardous chemicals.

  9. #9
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    When i started i would lather half my neck and shave it. Then the other half. Then one s8de of the face. Then the other. Break it up into four parts. Lather didnt have time to dry out. Also, this left clean enough skin to grip for the stretching.

    Keep it up. It get better. Just keep thinking about tomorrows shave being better. The l8nes you are getting are most likely from the placement 9f the blade on the skin then moving the blade. Try to get the angle just above the skin and when it makes contact start moving. I too seen this and found this was the answer for me. When your scared of the blade its hard to atack the face. I know. Its just something that you will learn and after a while you will nick yourself and think, wow, its been months sense i did that.

    Good luck and keep the faith. Remember this was the only way to shave way back when.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Gasman is on the money with blade placement, but I go one step further by putting the blade in motion before I set the edge to my face. Once I started doing this, I wound up with far fewer nicks and cuts.

    This made sense to me recalling from physics that static friction is always greater than dynamic friction. Yes, I'm a nerd.
    aalbina likes this.

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