Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
maybe but not going to try it again to find out,, but to me I don't even care for 3rd tier stuff, theres to much good in the first tier, so why compromise, its not that expensive to buy the top stuff. and don't get me wrong there are some top tier stuff that's inexpensive. or theres MDC which runs around 60$ a jar yet last as long as 3 jars of a lesser soap so is it expensive? or really a good bargain.

now some of the 1st tier is around 20$. but the real fun is trying different soaps, I tried 100,s but now I,m down to 2-3 I use exclusively because of my remark in the beginning, why use second and third tier if I,m happier with my first tier? of course this is only my opinion, and my face and money Tc
LOL - I agree, as an admitted and practicing soap hoarder, I love trying them, but most end up in the box, the few that I use stay in the cabinet in my washroom...but inevitably I end up going back to the box to pull a couple out and rotate a few.

Just pulled out the Art of Shaving Oud, and seems after getting some exposure to air after a few uses, the scent has really blossomed, settled down from that "new car smell"....so of course then had to use the LPL Oud to compare....thoroughly enjoyed both.

But absolutely, to indulge in fantastic products is a lot of fun, and one of the things that's so enjoyable about this sport for me.

The MdC though, the Original and the Fougere, sublime, the bar setter, the only soap, in my opinion that I like using as much are the Pannacrema Nuavia Blu, Verde and Rossa....as well as a few dozen others...as well as the one's that I keep being compelled to order.