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Thread: It cuts...but not comfortable

  1. #1
    Member Justino14's Avatar
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    Default It cuts...but not comfortable

    Hello everyone. Had a straight shave (partial shave) for the first time in a few months, mostly because I was frustrated before. Used a Red Imp, wedge razor, 11/16 width, just honed by someone reputable here in Canada (no I didn't strop prior to first use). The razor definitely cuts the hair, I had 7 days growth, but it was pretty uncomfortable. I did a lot of prep, I even used conditioner to soften up the whiskers. Paid close attention to my angle, basically very close to my face whilst still cutting, any closer and the blade would be sticking to the side of my face. I just did both cheeks and a little under my jaw line. I usually only do 2 passes with the grain, so 2nd pass was very enjoyable, but that's probably because the first pass got about 90% of the stubble. After those 2 passes on the cheeks I was very close. No problem cutting, just that the 1st pass was pretty uncomfortable, even a bit painful at times. No cuts or nicks though, but my skin was kinda irritated by the end of the shave.

    I'm just wondering, this is a wedge razor, would it be better to start with a full-hollow? I have the classic tough beard/sensitive skin, and I mean sensitive. I have no issues with a DE, so my lather is on point, little wetter because that's what I hear most people say when straight shaving. Can a full-hollow get sharper than a wedge? The 2nd pass was extremely enjoyable because it was smooth, and more importantly it didn't hurt lol. Maybe I should try shaving with less growth? Had 7 days, and my beard comes in pretty full. Will try again, any suggestions appreciated!

  2. #2
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I like a hollow blade mare than the wedges. Hard to say what went wrong with your shave. The only time i have any pain or irritation is from pulling and that 8s from a not so sharp edge. Good luck.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The grind should not matter much if the edge is shave ready. I like my full hollows but got a great shave from an old Sheffield wedge this morning.

    Consider this was your first shave with a straight razor in a few months, maybe a bit rusty on technique?

    Maybe try opening up the gap between face and spine a bit. Something like 1 - 2 spine widths gap.

    I use the same type of lather with DEs as I do with straight razors. It has good water content but is not the least bit runny or bubbly.

    I always thought it made not much difference if shaving 1 days growth or 7 because you are cutting at skin level and the diameter of the whiskers would be the same.

    Hope something in there will help you.

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  4. #4
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    I would give it a good stropping and see if that helps.

    If not, contact your honer and let him know.
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    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Have you shaved with other shave ready wedges before this?

    For me there's a big difference in feel between wedge and hollow grinds, not so much their edge, but their razor-feel on the face
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Occasionally I shave many days growth. for reasons that defy logic, it is a little more difficult. The whiskers create more resistance to the blade, which could pull you into the more pressure trap. It does require more pressure to over come the resistance, but the pressure needs to be against the whiskers and not the skin. It is kind of confusing to express. Try shaving a couple of times with your razors with much less growth.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    I'm with ResDog. I normally shave every day irritation free. On the rare occasion that I miss a day or two, I find the shave less comfortable.:
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  8. #8
    cau is offline
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    I shave every other day but experience more difficulty, for lack of a better word, if I go three days. If I've been camping and miss 4,5, or 6 days, the first pass through the thicket on the chin is always more difficult. I agree with Rezdog, the first pass takes more work and is just not as comfortable as the second.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member aalbina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    Occasionally I shave many days growth. for reasons that defy logic, it is a little more difficult. The whiskers create more resistance to the blade, which could pull you into the more pressure trap. It does require more pressure to over come the resistance, but the pressure needs to be against the whiskers and not the skin. It is kind of confusing to express. Try shaving a couple of times with your razors with much less growth.
    I agree here - 100%. I shave 5 days a week every week. If I let my face rest over the weekend, I always pick up my wedge on Monday morning. I do so for exactly the reasons RezDog points out above - with a full hollow I tend to increase the pressure which leads to discomfort. My theory is that the whiskers that are cut are long and cause more friction on the face as you continue the pass. They eventually move their way up the blade but I think they also ride in front of the blade - kind of getting in the way. Kind of like a slurry on a stone. This makes me bear down ever so slightly to move the razors. With a wedge - the weight of the blade seems to keep me from making that mistake.


  10. #10
    Member Justino14's Avatar
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    Thank you all for the suggestions, a few things to think about for my next shave. I think if I were to shave everyday or every other day the shave would be more comfortable. I will try to shave with less growth just to see what happens.
    RezDog and Dieseld like this.

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