Honing is not paint by numbers as in do X number of this stroke and then X number of that stroke and you are done. Each razor is a bit different in what and how it needs to be honed. At first you will have difficulty assessing what that is.

You need a loupe and strong light source to see what you are doing to the edge and the hard part of that in the beginning is that you are not exactly sure what you are looking for. That is the way it was for me. You could use a black marker on the bevel and that will show you where you are missing bits on the edge.

All in all it can/is a very frustrating experience when you try to learn on your own how to hone. I did it that way and know how frustrating it is.

All that is why the advice to get together with a member for some one on one honing instruct is so valid. Placing your location in your profile will make it easier for a member to help you that way. Also the advice to leave it alone till you do not feel frustrated is solid. By repeating the same thing over and over again you will get the same crappy results. Unless you or a mentor can figure out what you are doing wrong you will not make much progress.
