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Thread: Cuts and nicks

  1. #1
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    Default Cuts and nicks

    I’m about three weeks into SR shaving and still getting my fair share of minor nicks I’m using a septic pencil and wondering if there is a better option

  2. #2
    Senior Member Porl's Avatar
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    I bought an alum block years ago when I started with a DE. After a while it just didn't get used anymore. I rarely draw blood these days and you will find the same will be true for you too.

    I didn't really like the feel of the alum and it seemed to have a drying property on my skin, but it did work at stopping the blood.

    I found if the nicks are small then a good cold water rinse might be enough to stop the bleeding. It costs nothing and won't do any damage to your skin either.

    Also the old tried and tested toilet paper trick works well enough.
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  3. #3
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    I rarely get nicks these days, but when I do, I find that the Pacific Shaving Nick Stick works well. You can find it at local pharmacies or online. It has a liquid in a tube with a rollerball top. It is not as messy as using an alum block or styptic pencil.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Keep your skin tight by stretching it well with your off hand and your razor angle very low, one to two spine thicknesses from your skin. Shave the lather not the whiskers, a very very gentle touch with the razor.
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    Keeping your skin as tight/taught as possible is probably your best bet at preventing many if not all of the minor nicks you mention. Furthermore, I use the combination of a cold water splash and an alum block to both re-tighten the skin as well as close off any very minor nicks. I only use my septic pencil for when I've messed up pretty bad.

    Another point to consider is the sharpness/straightness of your blade: if the blade is nicked in any way, it may be causing these numerous nicks. Or, if the blade isn't optimally sharp, you may be pressing down too hard which would exacerbate your nicking problem. Just a couple of thoughts.
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  7. #6
    boz is offline
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    I have had a septic pencil available for years, don't use it much. Follow the advice offered by SilverFoxESQ and it should help.
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  9. #7
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    Cold water and alum. Witch Hazel can help either.
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  10. #8
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    I rarely ever see blood and if I do it's because I mowed off a small zit. When that happens I keep on shaving. After my last pass I squeeze out the remaining lather from my brush and give myself a good facial. Then wash it off with a wet wash cloth. Who knows, there may to be some clotting ingredients in the soap. After the facial I give my face a rub with the alum block followed by witch hazel and the aftershave of my choice.
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  11. #9
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    rarely cut or nick myself anymore, probably just jinx myself typing that, but when it happens, soap on brush is applied & I just keep on keepin' on.
    I agree, that there must be some clotting add ins.
    witch hazel splash, rinse & aftershave.
    et clipeum super revertere

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