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Thread: Shave oil

  1. #1
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    Default Shave oil

    Does any one use shave oil instead of soap?
    I have used both. Never have used a premium soap. With what I have used I can't see much difference between oil or lather. Other than rinsing blade is easier with soap.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Porl's Avatar
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    Years ago I used a shave oil. I think from the supermarket from King of Shaves if memory serves.

    Now I only use soaps and creams, more soaps lately. I find that there is a big difference, perhaps the oil I used was not great. The thing is I really enjoy the experience of using a brush and developing the lather so I can't see me ever going back.
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  3. #3
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    There is a much greater feel of satisfaction with soap. I was thinking back and was just trying to remember the actual drag or lack of and closeness of the shave more than anything else.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    I found shave oil to be a complete waste of money; it made blade clean-up worse and provided no perceived benefit to my overall shave.
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  5. #5
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    When I first started wet shaving I bought Lather and Wood oil 1oz bottle from Amazon. I was using a DE shaver, same blades , same soap, same brush for years. When I got used to using the DE shaver I stopped using the oil as it seemed to be too thick, greasy, and unnecessary. Fast forward to the last couple of months I have started using a SR razor and the same exact oil bottle is back. Now the oil seems much thinner, age maybe? But I use it for the same reason now that I did back when I started with a DE, it gives another layer of protection, or at least it is supposed to. There is not much oil left in the little 1oz bottle, so once it is gone I doubt I will get more.

    The way I use the oil that minimizes the clean up is as a pre-shave. I massage the oil into my wet face using damp hands, I rub in a little bit of the soap I will be using with my hands on my face, wrap a hot towel around for a minute or two, pull off the towel lather up and shave. I have shaved with the SR a few times lately without the oil, and did not notice much of a difference.
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  6. #6
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    I have used pre-shave oil (which I'm assuming you're talking about) since my first days of wet shaving, 15 years ago, and I find it a must for two reasons: I've tried a pre-shave soap and had increased irritation, and have forgotten to apply the oil and have also had increased irritation. I've used it with cartridge razors, DE razors, and my straights, and clean up has never been an issue for the latter two. However, that is simply my experience with my ultra-sensitive skin where every bit of help helps.
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  7. #7
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    I've used shave gels, they are quite effective depending on the brand.

    I got a sample of this:
    Have used this: Anti-Aging Shave Serum | Age Defying Shave Serum
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmrayt View Post
    Does any one use shave oil instead of soap?
    I have used both. Never have used a premium soap. With what I have used I can't see much difference between oil or lather. Other than rinsing blade is easier with soap.
    Remember that oil does not soften whiskers the way soap and water does.
    Oil can make the razor skin contact smoother and makes some sense on DE razors
    but for an open blade razor not so much in my opinion. A good lather with a good
    soap for me is better than oil.

    Both skin and whiskers hydrate and those folk that come out of the shower after 20 min
    will have wrinkles on their fingertips and a softened set of whiskers if they washed
    the natural oils off the whiskers. Skin that has "soaked" for very long might suffer
    less if oiled.

    For an open blade (str8) razor a wet sponge to wipe the blade on can deal with
    oil or lather.

    We are all different... what works works.
    Tried it and for me oil is messy and does not help. YSMV.
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  9. #9
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    I bought some once and although I didn't try it enough to form an opinion if it was better than soap the cost per shave made me decide not to pursue it further.

    I would be interested in trying peanut oil even though it is expensive for a gallon If I didn't like it for shaving I could fry some fish in the rest.....
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  10. #10
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    I used it in the beginning to add an extra layer of slickness while I was still learning how to make lather. I eventually stopped using it everyday. Now I only use it occasionally like when I do a steam towel for 15 minutes. When the bottle is empty though I doubt I'll buy more.
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