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  1. #1
    Senior Member Kyle76's Avatar
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    Default Ouch! Got bit today

    I guess it was bound to happen. Changing hands with the razor and put a little slit in the end of my left thumb. It could have been much worse. Not too much blood, but realizing I had been thrown off my rhythm and not wanting to to finish up one-handed, I pulled out the M3 and called it a day with the straight. Lesson learned -- I hope.

  2. #2
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    A sharp knife seems dull , compared to a shave ready razor . When you are using a sharp razor , you need to pay close attention to everything you do with it . Don't let this discourage you from using a str8 . Sometimes , a razor needs to cut you to get your respect . (trust me , I know)

  3. #3
    Senior Member pilothaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave5225 View Post
    A sharp knife seems dull , compared to a shave ready razor . When you are using a sharp razor , you need to pay close attention to everything you do with it . Don't let this discourage you from using a str8 . Sometimes , a razor needs to cut you to get your respect . (trust me , I know)
    *str8 razor speaking* You have earned my respect grasshoppa, now i must give you a mark to remember and know that I am the boss.

  4. #4
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    I got bit twice in the last few days--just little ones, but enough to remind you how sharp these things are. I was using a freshly-honed razor, and the edge was wicked sharp but not yet smoothed out from multiple stroppings. Bumped my upper lip lightly, which left a little welt that stung but didn't quite bleed. Caught the skin under my chin on a XTG stroke, which left a small cut that bled until I cauterized it with the styptic pencil... THAT stung.


  5. #5
    Senior Member pilothaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshEarl View Post
    left a small cut that bled until I cauterized it with the styptic pencil... THAT stung.
    I love the feel of styptic in the morning!
    Though I don't use it daily :P

  6. #6
    Hair follicle smackdown misteredwino's Avatar
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    Where do you guys buy your styptic pencils? Walgreens or something?

  7. #7
    Senior Member pilothaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misteredwino View Post
    Where do you guys buy your styptic pencils? Walgreens or something?
    Should be some there, I myself living in Canada got mine at Shoppers Drug Mart.

    Though I know that they have them at Walmart as well (evil evil Walmart)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by misteredwino View Post
    Where do you guys buy your styptic pencils? Walgreens or something?
    Any drug store will have a styptic pen. I got mine at CVS. Don't quite remember which isle they would be in.. Don't think I saw them in the shaving isle, but they were right next to some talc.

  9. #9
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    My razor bit my lip today. It stopped bleeding almost immediately and it's not visible at all, but there's this little spot on the upper lip near the right corner of my mouth that's a little testy feeling. And all because the razor just jumped a little as it contacted my mustache.

    I don't use styptic, just cold water and a moment of direct pressure with tissue paper.


  10. #10
    Senior Member Straight and loving it's Avatar
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    Jeez... I need to take a break and grow a beard for a while. My face is starting to look like target practice for the national knife throwers association. People at work are starting to take notice. They keep asking me if the cats got to me. At this point I just nod and turn away.

    Yet, I shall endeavour to preserver. I will master this thing come hell, high water or looking like a veteran Montreal Habs goalie from the good ol' days.

    One other thing... Don't drive a razor under the influence of alcohol. The penalty and payment is immediate!

    Anyway, I have 2 Wapi's to hone that showed up at my door today! YES, Its a good day!
    Last edited by Straight and loving it; 07-17-2007 at 03:00 AM.

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