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Thread: New Member = scared but excited

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default New Member = scared but excited

    Hi Guys,

    Just a quick hello to you all. I'm extremely green to the Straight Razor world. I've always wanted to learn to use a straight blade and I've decided to jump in..

    I'm currently looking to source a good beginners razor (please forgive me if my terminology is wrong, learning that too it seems), I'm checking the selling page and eBay (with caution).. I live in the UK in Surrey so if anyone lives local let me know as I'm sure i might have a question or two.

    Enjoy this festive time, and stay happy


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  2. #2
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Welcome to an older but better way of shaving.

    There are other members in the UK, I'll PM you one that I know.

    While the list of equipment is short the one thing that you need most of all is PATIENCE for without patience you will fail and I don't want to see you fail.

    By the way, I maintain that anyone who says the first time they put a straight razor up against their throat and say that they weren't the least bit concerned is a Liar.

    Take your time and you will find this way of life very enjoyable.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  3. #3
    Senior Member Robini's Avatar
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    Welcome! Lots of great info and helpful folks here so don't be afraid to ask questions. I would not recommend that you get your first razor from ebay as you never know what your going to get (Forest Gump!). The B/S/T section here would be the best bet. For a new razor I usually steer people to Straight Razor Design or Griffith Shaving, but they are both in the US. I do not know what a good supplier for a new properly honed razor would be in the UK.

    The most important thing for you to make sure of is that what ever blade you end up with, it is properly honed.

    You will also need a brush, soap, and a strop to get things moving. Good luck, it is fun journey and very rewarding when you get the hang of it! Enjoy!!

  4. #4
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!!!!

    There's a lot of great folks and information here. Check out the LIBRARY there's a lot in there to help you out.

    And as said
    I maintain that anyone who says the first time they put a straight razor up against their throat and say that they weren't the least bit concerned is a Liar.
    That is true, we were all nervous at the beginning. But have come to love what we do.

    Enjoy and have fun!!!!!
    cudarunner, Gasman and Bayaz like this.
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
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  5. #5
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Hello Bayaz and welcome to SRP.

    You are in the right place for a great straight razor learning experience.

    I agree wholeheartedly with Roy. I don't care how macho you think you are, the first time you put that blade on to your face your knees will be knocking...guaranteed.

    So, watch a lot of straight razor shaving video's to begin with. Our founder Lynn Abrams has a great one that is a must watch. All the help you need is right here. Ask plenty of questions. We're all here to help you succeed and make this fun.
    Enjoy the forum and the learning process.

    Pete <:-}
    cudarunner, Gasman and Bayaz like this.
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  6. #6
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    All great info given. So all im going to say is welcome to SRP. Find a local if possible to help you learn as one on one help is the best way to learn the ins and outs.
    cudarunner, Dieseld and Bayaz like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  7. #7
    Senior Member k5MOW's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.

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    Have a great shave.


  8. #8
    Senior Member xiaotuzi's Avatar
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    Welcome, good having you here! Keep coming back, ask questions and share your experience. Most of all, enjoy the great shaves that await you...
    "Go easy"

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    If you want the help put your location in your profile, how we supposed to get the right guy for you. Tc
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  10. #10
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    Holding a lethal, sharp blade up to your throat for the first time is an intimidating experience for all newcomers. However, nearly all of us have survived to tell of the experience. Just do not go beyond your comfort level. It is not necessary to do a three-pass shave of your entire face on your first attempt. If you start to get nervous, stop and try again later.

    It is likely that you can shave your cheeks with the grain (normally top to bottom), with your dominant hand on the same side of your face. If that is all you are comfortable doing at first, then do that. Then as you feel more confident, try shaving other parts of your face. Once you get comfortable shaving with the grain, try shaving across the grain or against the grain. Once you are comfortable shaving with your dominant hand, try shaving a portion of your face with your non-dominant hand. Although many of us find shaving with non-dominant hand useful on portions of our face, there are some who do everything with their dominant hand. With practice you should get comfortable shaving all portions of your face in multiple direcitons. However, if for some reason you cannot get comfortable doing it, then figure out some other way. For example, my chin is very difficult to shave due to its shape, the presence of dimples and crazy changes in grain direction. I can shave my chin with a straight razor, but I can never get quite as close as I would like. So, I shave two passes with a straight razor and then do a cleanup pass with a DE safety razor.
    Bayaz likes this.

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