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Thread: Second straight razor shave in two years

  1. #1
    Senior Member k5MOW's Avatar
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    Default Second straight razor shave in two years

    Morning everyone

    Back in 2015 I was a beginning straight razor shaver. Never did get it down real good. Did it for about two months then went back to my double edge razor.
    Now in 2017 I have decided to go back to the straight razor. This time I want to stick with it and become excellent with the straight razor shave. I love old fashion traditions and old fashion methods. Anyway today was the second straight razor shave I have done in two years. Obviously I did not forget some of the skill and went back to it with a little head start then 100% Beginer.
    The Shave went very well with little irritation. I definitely still need to work on my technique to get a little bit closer shave. Looking forward to the next days shave.

    RezDog and criswilson10 like this.
    Have a great shave.


  2. #2
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Congrads. Just keep it up. It gets better all the time.
    RezDog likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    A lot of the shaving process is done through muscle memory, so once you learn to do it, you won't soon forget how; just like riding a bike. My advice is that you do what you are comfortable with and then slowly push the boundaries. If you start to feel uncomfortable, stop and finish your shave with your DE. Just make sure you try again the next day; don't want two years.

    Keep working on shaving with the grain WTG (generally top to bottom) until you are comfortable. Then try shaving either against the grain ATG or or across the grain XTG until you are comfortable. If you are not comfortable using your non-dominate hand, then shave with your dominate hand. However, if you can learn to shave with both hands, you will find that shaving some parts of your face in certain directions becomes easier with the non-dominant hand. For example, when shaving WTG, I use the hand corresponding to the side of the face. However, found that shaving ATG is much easier when shaving cross-handed; that is, shaving the right side of the face with the left hand and vice versa. But do whatever works for you.

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