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Thread: Pre shave

  1. #11
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    For me it's both the hot shower and the pre-shave, which is usually either GFT Skin Food or TOBS Herbal Pre-Shave Gel. I put it on immediately after shower, while I'm stropping and making lather in the bowl/scuttle.
    I do like it, but can definitely shave without it - it's more about pampering myself and not a bare necessity. But then again - it's my approach to the whole SR shaving thing
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  2. #12
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    My preshave routine is to shower and use both shampoo and hair conditioner on my beard. Then I dry off, lather up and shave. You have to be careful which brand of shampoo and conditioner you use as some are designed to repair damaged hair and prevent split ends. That is NOT what you want to happen to your beard before you shave. I use moisturizing hair products that leave my beard soft and my face slick.

    I tried using a couple of shave oils as a preshave (Shave Secret and Somersets) as well as concocting my own mixture of vegetable oils. After some experimentation, I stopped using these oils as I never felt they added anything to the shaving experience. I even found that oils high in oleic acid like olive oil were lather killers and made the shave worse.

    If you use a good soap or cream mixed with the right amount of water to create a slick, protective lather, preshave oils are of little or no advantage.

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  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RayClem View Post

    I tried using a couple of shave oils as a preshave (Shave Secret and Somersets) as well as concocting my own mixture of vegetable oils. After some experimentation, I stopped using these oils as I never felt they added anything to the shaving experience. I even found that oils high in oleic acid like olive oil were lather killers and made the shave worse.

    If you use a good soap or cream mixed with the right amount of water to create a slick, protective lather, preshave oils are of little or no advantage.
    I never thought of this but now that you mention it, I can definitely see how this could happen. I’ve also been noticing that the Preshave Oil I use prevents water from really penetrating to my skin/beard after it is applied. Maybe it’s stopping the lather from doing so as well. I think my Friday shave will be without any Preshave Oil, only using s nice long, Hot Shower as prep.

    I also used to use a mentholated product (Preshave cream) but I find it had a bit too much menthol for my liking. If I do use a mentholated product, I want it to just have a touch of menthol.

  5. #14
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    Been straight shaving for 47 years and never used a pre-shave......never will either.

  6. #15
    Senior Member Robini's Avatar
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    I tried the PRORASO Pre-Shave Cream and found that it reduced the slickness of the soap. It actually seemed to make the razor skip and grab. I will stick with a hot shower, lather, then shave. Works well for me.
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  7. #16
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I always repeat this on these threads.....

    I shave in the morning, but before bed, I apply 5 or 6 drops of 30,000 mesh vitamin E oil to my beard. Rubbing it in briskly and concentrating on the edges of my beard.
    I typically do an oral rinse simultaneously....Another subject.

    I can tell a great difference in the shave the morning after. No doubt.
    I have a tough beard. This and a few applications of a hot-water towel over lather ensures things will go swimmingly the next morning.

    My best shaves!

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