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Thread: Impressions after first straight razor shave

  1. #1
    Junior Member terriblegolfer's Avatar
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    Default Impressions after first straight razor shave

    First time using a straight razor this morning. Here are my impressions/comments. If any of you have comments/feedback/critical comments, please feel free to let them fly.

    After hot shower, with my face still wet of course, I let my brush soak in hot water for a couple of minutes, then turned my proraso cream into as good of a lather as I could, applied that then...tentatively put blade to face.

    1) My hand/wrist partially blocks my view of the area just below my side burn, not sure how to change that so I tried to just go by feel

    2) Little short strokes seem easier and more effective than long, I'm finding describing shaving similar to golf, it seems impossible to avoid sexual innuendo, so I'm not even going to try

    3) Upper lip area wasn't as difficult to shave as I thought it was going to be with the exception of the two little areas immediately below my nostrils, not sure what to do there, but I'm sure with practice and more confidence it will become easier/more apparent what to do...I hope

    4) As I was shaving, I was wondering if I need to try to keep the blade wet(with water) all the time and how often I need to rinse shaving cream/stubble off both sides of blade

    5) After my first pass going down side burn area, I was a little disappointed that it wasn't very close at all, it's like my stout facial hair was fighting back, they put up a pretty good fight

    5a) I did 3 passes below the side burn area and it's not quite baby butt smooth but pretty close

    6) Less blood than I thought (mostly between lower lip and chin area which I really had no business attacking(?) on my first shave

    6a) Under lip chin area quite difficult, not sure what else to say, I did not do anything of much use down there with my straight razor

    7) Made sure to use left hand on left wasn't too bad but I am very right handed so I really had to concentrate and my left hand shaves slower than the right for now...

    8) It was awkward to find a good hand position on either side while trying to shave my neck area

    9) Adams apple! Well, mine is excessively 3 dimensional and almost sharp...I have to hold a "swallow" if you know what I mean, to move it out of the way to shave in that particular area. I was really praying I wouldn't get the yips (otherwise known as twitches, staggers, jitters and jerks) while shaving around the Mt. Everest of Adams apples. I didn't luckily.

    10) I'm not sure with stropping how much pressure to apply. What I think I know is drag the spine first and roll it over on the spine for each pass. The strop is a little wider than the blade so that makes it easier, I think, so I can just make a bunch of straight passes and get the whole thing. I realize the blade needs to make some contact with the strop otherwise it wouldn't be doing anything (re-aligning the blade?) at all. I'm just not sure how much pressure to apply.

    11) I can't wait to try it again tomorrow morning...I swear, starting that first pass was like standing in the tee-box for the first time with driver in hand and people waiting behind me and just hoping I didn't completely whiff at the ball. I'm glad that's over with and I will surely continue to take it slow but it won't be quite as nerve racking next time.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Try not to think too much, while shaving. Concentrate in what your doing, and where the blade is, and what angle.

    But anyhoo....Congratulations..!!
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  4. #3
    Junior Member terriblegolfer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Try not to think too much, while shaving.
    That's really good, simple advice. It works with pretty much anything I'm learning.

  5. #4
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    The only solution I can come up with for the upper lip is do like I did....grow a mustache. Seriously, I've had one for years so I'm no help to you in that area, I never could shave there without getting cut. For the Adam's Apple try stretching the skin down to tighten and to the side to get that area partially away from Adam's Apple then stretch to other side the same way. Remember; take your time, its not a race, concentrate on what you are doing and practice, practice, practice..........

    Good luck on your straight razor shaving journey and Happy Shaving!
    terriblegolfer likes this.
    "If You Knew Half of What I Forgot You Would Be An Idiot" - by DoughBoy68

  6. #5
    Junior Member terriblegolfer's Avatar
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    Yep, I'm going to have to learn to stretch the skin. Just sitting here practicing that and I can tell that should be effective with the adams apple. I got a little sloppy with the shaving cream and couldn't really get a grip to stretch my skin. I'll focus a little more on that next time.

  7. #6
    Senior Member Robini's Avatar
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    Nice step by step of your experience. I remember the first SR shave with sweat pouring down my face just waiting to slice myself open. It becomes easier and more a feel with less thought. Learn how your beard grows and which directions work best in what areas of your face. What are the best ways to stretch your skin. It's one big experiment until you figure out what works best for YOUR FACE.

    Remember, patience is your friend, ask lots of questions, and enjoy!

    Welcome to the rabbit hole!

  8. #7
    Junior Member terriblegolfer's Avatar
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    Thank you Rich, I appreciate the advice, any and all is welcome. I need to figure out how to put my name at the bottom like you did (is that the signature?) Also SRP has rejected all my avatar attempts, maybe they are too large or something...

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Since the Dovo was especially challenging for me to hone due to a poor heel contour, I really want to have another go at honing that sucker. If I'm still somehow unable to conquer the beast, I will have Alex also try another razor or 2 that I have to see if he has some of the same issues or not. For me, the razor did not perform nearly as well as one of my own 16 (excepting my SS custom which gives a similar less-than-satisfying shave).

    Too many variables to be certain at this point.

    Avatars has very specific sizing limitations such that I haven't changed mine in forever (and, I'm a "computer guy" lol). Your signature is a great place to put your name or pithy saying.
    Last edited by Speedster; 03-29-2018 at 11:16 PM.
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  10. #9
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Good job!

    Go slow
    Don't let your concentration waver
    Don't take your eyes off that edge
    Compa, outback, Gasman and 1 others like this.
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  11. #10
    Senior Member Jnatcat's Avatar
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    Big congrats !!!!
    "A Honer's adage "Hone-Shave-Repeat"


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