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Thread: First SR Shave This Morning

  1. #11
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    You are exactly right that it is a "game of angles." If you are shaving your cheek area successfully, and that is the easiest area, then make note of that angle.

    When in doubt, lower the angle. Eventually you will find it. The struggle you are having now is like learning how to ride a bike. What is impossibly difficult now will become automatic. Just be patient.
    BobH, max1ci6 and AlanQ like this.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dah90 View Post
    Yikes a 1 o’clock shadow would be miserable in the military. I’m a Marine that is currently part of the active staff at a reserve base. I will happily be back at a large base by the end of the year though!
    Yut! Semper Fi Marine! Artilleryman out of 29. Was with Kilo 3/11 from 2001-2005. Thank you for your service!
    And as you said, it’s a game of angles. I too just started wet shaving with a SR and have much to learn. But just as everyone here as mentioned, it’s an acquired skill that will come together.

  3. #13
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    Lay your razor flat against the skin. Slowly increase angle until it cuts hair. Nothing to it. Just don't exceed that 30 degree angle.....I cut myself last night doing something silly but even a "cut" is extremely superficial.

    In no time you'll learn what angle to adopt, you won't have to think about it.

    Looks like we have the same razor, except mine is "full hollow ground." I also had problems with it from the factory, although mine came from "The Superior Shave." I also didn't strop when I first tried it in 2009. When I started this again last month, I stropped first and it cut great.

    I hope to get a second straight razor soon for when I send my Dovo off for honing, I won't miss any practice.
    Last edited by AnglesMatter; 05-08-2018 at 01:16 AM.

  4. #14
    Senior Member MisterClean's Avatar
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    It's a good start, keep at it, don't get discouraged, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. "A game of angles' is a perfect description.
    As stated before, take your time, enjoy it, we are all about pampering ourselves. The way I see it; "For a few minutes a day it's all about me".

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