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Thread: Touch up Hone

  1. #11
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    What about something like this??Name:  F528909D-42E3-440A-94A0-CC12AB4B8CEC.jpg
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Brontosaurus's Avatar
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    There are many ways to skin this cat. One way that I liked in starting out was a Thiers-Issard alox-diamond crayon scribbled across a suede paddle strop from A smoothed 6" x 2" hard black Arkansas stone from the same retailer should also do the trick, but you will have to smooth it first, which is an operation in itself. Edit: Welsh purple slate is fairly inexpensive and easy to use.
    Last edited by Brontosaurus; 09-26-2018 at 09:17 AM.
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    Striving to be brief, I become obscure. --Horace

  3. #13
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    Maybe I am just being too picky? I just checked the razor and it will cut hairs about 1/4 off the skin but won’t tree top them. Should I just run as is? Since this is still all new to me I am just constantly second guessing myself like I am doing something wrong or I need to make it better etc etc
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  4. #14
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    You might want to watch this

    Besides explaining how to do an actual shave test I give a ton of tips because I tend to blab ALOT !!!!!

    32t, BobH, joelkerr and 2 others like this.
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
    Very Respectfully - Glen

    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derb25 View Post
    Also I guess technically I do have two razors the very first one I bought is a gold dollar honed up by some one pretty reputable but it is so heavy and big I have only used it once and said I would never touch it again until I could get some new scales for it. The other one I actually purchased on here a Henckels and have had it for a week or two and I can tell it is not like it was the first shave. I have done the chrom ox on the strop but hasn’t noticed a huge difference some but not what I want
    From the above it sounds like you've been shaving with a straight for under a month? I would think that if the Henckels was shave ready when you got it, you may have rolled the edge stropping it. Best to send it out for touch up and, if it is a stropping issue, then practice with the Gold Dollar (could even kill the edge to protect your strop).
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  6. #16
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    I shaved this morning and it was good and then I said to myself this is fine I don’t need some HHT popping blade as long as it gives a good shave I’m good. So just a strop and some chrom ox for awhile get some time under my belt and then look at a hone. And until then if I need something I will send it out to Glen
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  7. #17
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    I've been using a straight razor for a little over a year now, and feel I have a good grasp of what works for me, which is ultimately what everyone has to figure out about what works for them. I've tried to keep it simple stupid, and basically have 2 razors, with one being an entry level Dovo which I don't use, but will get the job done if I had a mishap with my Brian Brown daily shaver. I have one coticule that I use for my touchups, and do a few strokes on it after about 7 or so shaves, and this has been working for me for the year I have been using these tools. When I was learning my stone, I would do the HHT to observe my efforts, and I learned what I should be able to achieve. Now days I can feel the razor on the stone, and just tell that it is ready. I don't use the HHT much, if any now days, but after stropping, cut a few arm hairs. IMO, if you can easily cut arm hairs 1/4" off the skin, that should give you a very close shave with good technique. Before starting to hone, I'd advise you to watch lots of videos from people who know what they are doing, and have a good idea of what you are looking to achieve. There is a very satisfying aspect to be able to be self sufficient at this talk.
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  8. #18
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    Question would the Naniwa super stone 10k be ok? I know the 12k is recommended but SRD does not have a 12k only 10k

  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Yes the 10k super/specialty hone will work perfectly well and provides a great shave.
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  10. #20
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Check out sharpeningsupplies. I think thats the name. They have a lot of stones on hand and stand behind them. And if you dont like the stone, they will take it back with no questions asked. Hard to beat that!
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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