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  1. #1
    SubGenius Iacchus's Avatar
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    Default Looking for the shave

    In my searches for the perfect shave, I have decided to bite the bullet and try using a straight.
    I have been wetshaving for a while now, with various DE's and SE's, but there is always that little voice in the back of my head that tells me to push forward, that there is a better shave out there, regardless of how smooth and irritation free I end up afterward.
    So, I bought a straight from a fine fellow through the classifieds on another forum and am trying to decide which of Mr. Miller's strops to purchase.
    I am also hunkering down to do my share of research on the fine set of boards you folks have here.

    I thank you all in advance for the wisdom you offer and hope I might someday add to it myself.

    May all you have fine shaves and enjoy your days.

    Warmest Regards,

  2. #2
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Hi Mitch and welcome

    I think you've joined a whole lot of others engaged in a similar quest! I haven't had a whole lot of experience with other types of shaving implements, but I suspect if there's a perfect shave to be had, it is to be had with a straight

    What type/brand of razor did you buy?

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  3. #3
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    Welcome Mitch , you can learn alot here , I know I have . In fact , if it wasn't for this forum I most likely would have given up on trying to shave with a str8 .

  4. #4
    SubGenius Iacchus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    What type/brand of razor did you buy?
    I bought a 5/8 Square Point Schulze Meyer-Solingen w/ Bone scales from the very helpful jonEdangerousli.
    I also went ahead and picked up a Wapienica 9/16 (NOS but not shave ready) from Ebay.

    Also, I showed the wife the Tony Miller strop I plan on getting and met no resistance . So far, things are looking good for my foray into the realm of cut-throat.
    I am really looking forward to the shaves.

  5. #5
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iacchus View Post
    I bought a 5/8 Square Point Schulze Meyer-Solingen w/ Bone scales from the very helpful jonEdangerousli.
    You bought from that charlatan!!

    Just kidding sounds like your off to a good start!

  6. #6
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Default Welcome, Mitch

    Quote Originally Posted by Iacchus View Post
    Also, I showed the wife the Tony Miller strop I plan on getting and met no resistance .
    You really are off to a fine start.


  7. #7
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    Default The "Perfect" Shave

    Welcome. Keep in mind that this is one area where perfection is achieveable. In a thread a few months back, after tossing around a few ideas, it was generally decided that the "perfect" shave was:
    1. Face looks good when finished. (Smooth and clean)
    2. No obvious cuts or nicks
    3. The process was an enjoyable one.

    I "struggled" with trying to achieve the BBS shave and thinking anything less wasn't "perfect". Several guys on the forum straightened me up. I'm happier and more relaxed now knowing that #'s 1-3 above are where its at.

    Have at it, close the bathroom door, put on some Mozart, and enjoy yourself.


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