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Thread: Another "Not quite sharp enough" post

  1. #31
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Mike is right. He sent me that Genco and PHIG because i said thefe was no such thing as too sharp. Boy was i wrong. I still havent concored the PHIG yet.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  2. #32
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    Hi Everyone I just wanted to post an update to my honing adventure. First I want to say how amazed I was to find so many willing participants in helping new shavers with questions. I figured if I posted a question if it got read by anyone at all it would be surprising. Instead I got 9 replies within the first day with suggestions and connections with other people in my area that could help. Thanks so much for all your input it's been so very helpful. I want to single out Gasman for all the encouragement and loaning me a razor as well as giving me some samples of some soaps that are truly a step above what I'm used to. Also jfk742 for sending me a blade to use while I'm learning to hone properly. Any new members learning to hone I will pass along the advice I heard so often which is get a razor that was honed by a pro so you'll know what it's supposed to feel like!

    My progress on honing has been steady and I can now get a razor to be comfortable to shave with and I have gone from a twice a week shaver to a daily shaver because it's a new and challenging experience every morning. I managed to procure a Dubl Duck from Craigslist for $15 and I had help from Victor setting the bevel. Since then I brought it home and finished it off on my Norton 4K/8K stones and now it shaves beautifully. My only problem with it is it does have some discolorization on it and I do need a suggestion on how to get that off if anyone has a successful strategy.

    Anyway that's the progress report and thanks agin to EVERYBODY who passed along a tip to a newbie


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    Gasman (12-18-2018)

  4. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Happy to hear how things turned. Thanks for posting an update.

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    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  5. #34
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    Some Mothers polish and some 0000 steel wool for the tough stains and cleaning light pitting. I’d start with mother’s and cotton ragbacked with an eraser. Beware the edge, we’ve seen some pretty nasty cuts.
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  6. #35
    JP5 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Somethin I live by..

    Honing..the edge doesn't end at the hone, it stops at the strop.
    I like that! Your own words?
    - Joshua

  7. #36
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Congrads on the progress David. Its always good to hear from folks learning and to know they are making progress. Keep it up bro.
    jfk742 likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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