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Thread: Participation -- My history and a few thoughts

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Default Participation -- My history and a few thoughts

    About 30 years ago I bought a straight razor and a strop in a shopping mall knife store -- Hoffritz. I took it home with one piece of advice from the clerk, which was to hold and move it perpendicular to my skin. If you move it parallel, he added, that's a slicing motion. It made sense to me, since I had always been a knife lover and knew how to slice, and that slicing was not what I wanted to do to my face. I also had the benefit of growing up when barbers still did shaves and trimmed around your neckline and ears with a straight razor, after they had put on a show with the razor on their well worn strop which hung from the chair. So home I went, and gave it a try. I had been wet having for a long time, but had transitioned from a DE to a Trac II. Needless to say, my first "shave" with my new SR was not a close one, but I didn't slice myself...or many whiskers! I did manage to nick my strop however, trying to imitate my childhood barber. The razor was retired to its nice plastic coffin after 4 or 5 bad tries, and put in my gun safe, where it resided until we moved, twice.

    Fast forward to 2013, when I pulled it out and started to look around the internet mostly out of curiosity and my love for sharp things. After a few months, I found SRP, and after lurking for a month or so, became a member, and began asking questions, and reading almost everything that was posted, whether it pertained to me and my efforts or not. Along the way, I asked what I'm sure were dumb questions, and I read lots of others' questions and answers. I began sorting the advice I took and the advice I didn't based on the consensus opinion and common sense. Along the way I realized I was really getting better and getting a lot of help, and I was narrowing my focus to my weaknesses. I also developed every AD -- razors, hones, strops, soaps and brushes -- I built a supply of everything SR....and then a few DE, and blade samplers, etc. (Hint -- You don't need to do that to get better!)

    So why make this post?!?

    I'm still here, I still have most of my "stuff' although I've sold some strops, razors and brushes to others thorough B/S/T. I shave and hone better than ever, and most importantly, I have "friends" that I've never met who've helped me through their posts, PM'd me with advice, been polite when I asked dumb questions, helped me navigate the rich dark corners of the site, honed razors for me, lent me razors to try, and sold me a few gems, but most of all have they taught me through their posts and their tolerance for my questions.

    This is a knowledge and talent rich group of generous people. For that reason, I come to the new member section of the forum to encourage other new folks to do what I did -- join and participate actively -- even if it feels a little awkward at first. Only by being an active participant will you get the most benefit from the knowledge, talent and experience that makes SRP special.

    The razor in this picture was the first gift I ever got from a SRP mentor, and it was for a comment in what turned out to be an April fool joke thread! You never know!

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    Just call me Harold
    A bad day at the beach is better than a good day at work!

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Haroldg48 For This Useful Post:

    Gasman (02-17-2019), gugi (02-19-2019), markbignosekelly (02-17-2019)

  3. #2
    Senior Member lightcs1776's Avatar
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    Wonderful post. As a fairly new straight razor shaver, I find your post very encouraging. My DE razors are getting neglected and your post helps to ensure that will continue. I love the willingness of folks here to share their knowledge and experience.
    Haroldg48 and evnpar like this.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to lightcs1776 For This Useful Post:

    Haroldg48 (02-17-2019)

  5. #3
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing Harold!
    We do have a good group and a new guy shouldn't be afraid to ask questions. We are here to help as much as we can. I for one get a very large enjoyment knowing I've helped someone into a deeper rabbit hole,,, I mean to learn and understand razors more.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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