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Thread: First SR Choices

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default First SR Choices

    Hi all, second post after introducing myself in the new member section.

    I got into wet shaving 7 months ago and now I feel ready to start slowly learning the straight. I've been reading up and I'd like some insight from the veterans.

    For my first razor would it be better to go from the B/S/T or the re-worked Gold Dollar from Razor Emporium?

    Price point is attractive and new user errors wouldn't leave me frustrated since its $50.
    Then it can be for practicing honing later on?

    I've got brushes and soaps, would need a strop and straight for decent dive in.


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Well Gold Dollar razors have earned an iffy reputation. It’s hard to say how good of a razor you will get, because their reputation is for inconsistent razors. As far as learning it makes for potentially the greatest challenge. If you want to reduce the number of variables get a good razor, vintage works, from somewhere where it can be truly shave ready. There are vendors that have a reputation for truly shave ready. I started with a new straight razor from Classic Edge, because I was trying to keep the variables as low as possible for this very reason. If you want a lower start price then vintage wins out. If you decide it’s not for you, then typically you can recoup funds from a vintage, but not so much for new and certainly not from a Gold Dollar. I have never done business with the vendor you mentioned and cannot speak to his edges. There are many ways to look at this and that’s is. My take. There are many correct paths to the perfect shave.
    32t, rolodave, BobH and 2 others like this.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  3. #3
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    For the straight razor I would post a want to buy thread on the BST area. People on the forum are really nice and love to help a new guy out with a shave ready razor. (this is probably best option)

    If you don't care what razor you get as long as its shave ready there is a guy on etsy that sells random (not best condition but shave ready) vintage razors for 40$ (or the kit that comes with a strop for 70$ which I would recommend). From what I have seen the guy is really cool and easy to work with.
    etsy link

    If you want to choose your razor and think you will be able to take decent care of it Griffith shaving sells vintage razors for a good price and they will be shave ready as well.

    Griffith link

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You can get a Gold Dollar to shave, but it is still a Gold Dollar, they are thick, out of balance and clunky. Scales are crap and the finish is… well it’s a $10 razor/kit.

    A vintage razor from the early 1900 to 50’s was made at the pinnacle of production razors.

    There have been some smoking deals in the BST recently, you just missed a gorgeous Barber’s Delight at $45, shave ready.

    Magpie has a very nice Older Felt Pad Razor Works ANSEPTIC for $25 shipped, a steal.

    Dimitry, has some very nice razors for sale under $100 and a super 4/8 RESPECT trademark, for $65 shipped. It is a sweet looking razor with a French solderless grind. That will out shave a Gold Dollar any day of the week.

    Bouschie has recently withdrawn several nice Sheffield’s in the 45-$50 price range, you might contact him if any of those interest you.

    There has been a rash of good razors recently, so just wait 15 minutes, something good will come along. If you have questions, about one in particular, PM me and I will give you my opinion.
    outback and czarguy241 like this.

  5. #5
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    Thank you for the insight! New to all of it, excited to learn. Need to learn how to use the forum too! Much appreciated
    rolodave likes this.

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