Well, yesterday evening I went for my first complete str8 shave. I'm waiting for the DOVO honed by Lynn (it should arrive at the end of this week) but I've been unable to wait more so I honed a wapienca by myself and went for the shave.

The razor passed the HHT after stropping (I didn't try after honing...) but the shave wasn't so smooth, it seems like a part of the blade wasn't sharp enough so I'll need to go back to the wet stone before shaving again, nevertheless I'm quite happy for this first result.

I was able to obtain a decent shave, at least on many parts of my face, but I found a lot of problems on my chin. During the XTG pass I became overconfident and the blade promptly recalled me why she deserves respect... Now on my left cheek I've got a 5 millimeter (about 1/5 inch) nick, I'll definitely remember that razors ask for blood if you disrespect them.

As many other members already said I can notice that the str8 shave last longer than cartridge or DE and even if I've been unable to obtain a BBS it still looks ok.

It's seem I found new satisfying hobby