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Thread: New Guy

  1. #11
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Welcome Andy.
    Glad to have ya in the group. Having two or even 3 razors is the best way to start when you don't hone yet. The rule of thumb is to use one razor. Only one. Then when it needs honed or the edge just needs a little touch up you send it out then pick up and start shaving with razor number two. Use it only. Until it needs work. Even if the first razor comes back. Then use number three. This keeps you shaving with one razor at a time and you will get to know and understand each blade fully. You will be able to tell how your stropping ability is coming along this way too. Switching around blades all the time is OK also but its harder to get to know each razor this way when your new to SR shaving. After 2 or 3 years you will no longer be a newbie. LOL

    And I'd recommend trying some better suds. TOB's is OK, but there are so much better soaps on the market now. We recently had a member pass away that spend years testing soaps. You can find it here if you search. Just look up Obies soap. A brush is a personal thing. if it works for you your fine. Some guys like boar. Other Badger. And then some enjoy the synthetics. Its all about what feels good on your face and does the job well for you. They all will act differently. And you have a nice strop. Just don't try to strop fast. Speed comes with time. No need to act like a barber you might have seen on TV.

    So stick around, ask questions and we are more than happy to help. We have a huge library that can help you a bunch too.

    Some day in the future you may end up with a razor or strop or hone or brush or scuttle or ... Collection. Or like a lot of us you will have a collection of everything and wonder where it all came from...

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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    For a long time shavers got by with a good barber hone, a pasted strop and a decent leather strop. They might go for a year without having the razor honed. You don’t have to invest a lot of money in hones, but you can and a lot of us have quite a collection. Take your time and do as gasman suggests.
    “Shared sorrow is lessened, shared joy is increased”
    ― Spider Robinson, Callahan's Crosstime Saloon

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Welcome to the club.

    Tell the ol lady to cut back on the Horses you can get a set of
    outback and Muttley like this.

  4. #14
    Member Muttley's Avatar
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    Some great advice there guys....Regards shaving soap, very early on I found TOBS didn't cut it!?! (See what I did there? ) So pleid around with a few Tabac, ARROW and Proraso then settled on Saponifico Varesino, which for now works well but I will be trying others just for curiosity if nothing else!?!
    @Gasman you make a good point about the use of several razors which I had not considered! And will take your advice on this matter as it makes perfect sense! With regards to your collection, VERY impressive but feel it is bordering on an illness more than a hobby with you!?!
    @nessmuck if I DID that I WOULDN'T need a razor, trust me!!!
    nessmuck and outback like this.

  5. #15
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Martin de Candre
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  6. #16
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    Martin de Candre
    Yes! Rich, luxurious, easy to use. Lasts for-ever so very economical.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Fine looking gear, sir. As for hay burners, I mean horses. If ya ain't riding it a lot, or often, all ya got is a hole to throw money in, or a self propelled, manure spreader.
    Muttley likes this.

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muttley View Post
    Some great advice there guys....Regards shaving soap, very early on I found TOBS didn't cut it!?! (See what I did there? ) So pleid around with a few Tabac, ARROW and Proraso then settled on Saponifico Varesino, which for now works well but I will be trying others just for curiosity if nothing else!?!
    @Gasman you make a good point about the use of several razors which I had not considered! And will take your advice on this matter as it makes perfect sense! With regards to your collection, VERY impressive but feel it is bordering on an illness more than a hobby with you!?!
    @nessmuck if I DID that I WOULDN'T need a razor, trust me!!!
    At least Gasman didn't post his hones n razors, oh..and strops, aftershaves, mugs.ect. I too stricken with the sickness, but some here make ares look like the sniffles.

    Just a few of my stock of razors that I shave with.

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    An old pic, probably double that, now.
    It's just the sniffles.

  9. #19
    Member Muttley's Avatar
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    @outback WOW!!! I think I need to go stand in the corner and be quiet!?! Envious doesn't cut it!!! The only collection I have of anything is a bag of mixed rusty nails in the shad!?!
    To be honest I tend to buy just the odd quality item that I can afford when something takes my fancy or when I save enough finances for a nice piece I've had my eye on, such as brush, strops and the likes.
    I did pick up this Edwardian Shaving stand on a whim just after receiving my first SR as I kind of thought it all went together nicely!?! Oh and I only paid £50 for this so an absolute bargain for a shaving enthusiast I think!?!

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  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muttley View Post
    Some great advice there guys....Regards shaving soap, very early on I found TOBS didn't cut it!?! (See what I did there? ) So pleid around with a few Tabac, ARROW and Proraso then settled on Saponifico Varesino, which for now works well but I will be trying others just for curiosity if nothing else!?!
    @Gasman you make a good point about the use of several razors which I had not considered! And will take your advice on this matter as it makes perfect sense! With regards to your collection, VERY impressive but feel it is bordering on an illness more than a hobby with you!?!
    @nessmuck if I DID that I WOULDN'T need a razor, trust me!!!
    Check this thread out 222 pages of great info, but if you want to cut to the chase then as mentioned, for soaps Martin De Candre is the dogs b@//@×s. For creams I personally love Trumpers, T&H, Penhaligons and DR Harris.

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