The Shaving Soap conundrum is as BIG a Rabbit Hole as the Honing game is, to me at least!?!.....So many variables from water hardness to skin and personal preference and a whole lot more!?!......The real crux of this is the DEAD money you lay out to experiment with to find YOUR Soap of choice!?! Whilst i appreciate TOBS is the lower end of the soap scale, it suited my needs with the DE shaving. Plus i was ignorant to the vast array of options out there that were available....And the other thing which i'm still not quite sure how it came about, is that i always considered shaving a personal/private experience!?! It's NEVER discussed in public, you NEVER hang out at a bar with your buddies and discuss how and what you shave with or any shaving related subject to that matter, except if it's the wife or girlfriend doing her BITS!?!..... It wasn't till i happened on the DARK WEB and discovered the SLEEZEY/PORNOGRAPHIC WORLD of SHAVING FORUMS that my knowledge increased! This lead to me sneaking off to the bathroom with paper towels in hand to WIPE my......DE Razor and give it some love!?!
Now that i had found this like minded SEEDY community i was eager to learn the ways and new techniques in which i could ABUSE my wallet and at the same time FEEL the EXSTACY and EXCITEMENT of......Hu Hmmmm....Sorry got lost there for a moment!?!.....Anyway thanks to these Razor Perverts and Soap Pimps my ADDICTION has grown, i have tried to seek counselling but no one will take me seriously!?!......So yet again i am drawn back into DANTE'S INFERNO, this spiralling bottomless pit of Masculine Facial Abuse!!! Only to continue my never ending journey to find RAZOR, SOAP and SKIN Perfection!!!.......Will this PAIN ever END!?!......Ooh the heat, the Flames......