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  1. #1
    Sub-Conscious seamus402's Avatar
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    Default Today was the day!

    I did it. Today - I really did it. I have been a DE shaver for several months and today was my first straight shave. With a great amount of trepidation, I broke out my Morley (supposedly shave ready) and brought her to skin. Used a good superlather and pre shave prep and off I went.

    I enjoyed the sound immensely. First pass was good, tugged a bit. ATG was ok also. No nicks yet. XTG was difficult - not due to nicking (none on todays shave - is this an omen) but more to do with hand positioning. Holding the blade on WTG was easy. XTG was harder, but ATG was downright confusing. This needs work. I finished ATG with my DE - what a wuss, and all-in-all enjoyed the event.

    I will continue to work this, I think DE during the week and Str8 on weekends until I am more adept at blade wielding.

    Thanks for the support.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    Congrats! Keep at it. Practice makes almost perfect.


  3. #3
    Smooth Member Nicolas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seamus402 View Post
    . . . I think DE during the week and Str8 on weekends until I am more adept at blade wielding.
    You won't keep that up for very long. Soon enough there's only weekends!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Congratulations Jim

    For ATG and for some positions of XTG hold the razor with the thumb and the index finger in each side of the tang and the middle finger under the shoulder of the tang (the forth finger is under the tail ) when the edge faces upward.
    To do this, hold the razor in the normal posision for WTG, with the thumb under the tang and the index and middle fingers over the shoulder of the tang and the fourth finger over the tail.
    Rotate the razor with your fingers until the edge faces upward

    I hope you understand my poor English

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