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Thread: Razor
10-16-2007, 02:31 AM #1
I just bought this razor and its an oldie, from around the 20's. It is an Antique GIESEN and FORSTHOFF Adoration
What kind of steps am I looking at to get this shave ready. The seller did mention that it is in excellent condition and judging by the picture the blade its self looks like it could be turned into a good shave.
Any takers?
Also anyone with some back ground or tips and experiences with this brand please feel free and let me know.
10-16-2007, 01:10 PM #2
without a clear view of each side of the blade it will be hard to venture beyond generalities.
It's a Solingen blade and if it's from the 1920's it is likely a decent to excellent blade. Provided there's no unseen problems with the edge or oxidization just simply honing it, stropping it, and using it.
10-16-2007, 03:36 PM #3
Judging by the pictures it's definitely not a rust heap so, as Flanny says, it should hone up nicely.
I don't know much about the company, but I do know Giesen & Forsthoff have been around for quite a while, and still make razors these days.