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Thread: First Shave!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default First Shave!

    Firstly, thanks for all of you folks who had helped with my previous questions that no longer exisit. That said, I wanted to inform you that I had my first shave with a straight razor the other day. All in all, it went pretty good. I've got to say I'm happy with the results. I knicked my chin once but it wasn't really any worse than I'd done with a safety razor in the past. A few splashes of cold water and the bleeding stopped.

    The only issue I ran into was with the lather. I was making my own from a puck of Williams, but after a while it began to dry on my face. So, my lathermaking needs work. But all in all, I was pleased.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Milton Man's Avatar
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    Congrat Sebastokrator! That sounds like a really good first shave.

    Williams soap is know to be a very thirsty soap that does tend to dry out very quickly. Just keep on adding water to your brush as you lather and remember to re-lather often to keep things least that's how I do it! Other, more premium, soaps don't dry out nearly as much and tend to provide better lubrication as well - perhaps when this puck is done you can venture into the world of shaving soaps - both Colleen (The Gentleman's Quarter) and Mama Bear makes some primo soaps!

    Congrats again!


  3. #3
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    Default Suds

    Hey I'm new to this game too, and with the crash I'm even newer, whatever. Anyhow I've also used the Williams with the same results, but then I saw a great link (pre-crash) I think it was from B&B on how to really make good lather. You can try and search there or search Mama Bears soap page, good instructions (with pictures) can be found here too. Now my lather looks like it came from a can, but it's all warm and nice.

  4. #4
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    Thanks you guys.

    The link at B&B is:

    I think I will try some of the other soap when my puck of Williams runs out. Thanks for the advice.

  5. #5
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    Welcome back, great job on your first shave!

    - Scott

  6. #6
    Cousin Jack
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    You make me sick!

    Do you know how many weeks I spent struggling with my straight before I got a half decent pain free shave - and here you are a complete novice just stroll up and get a nice shave first go. It's not bloody fair!

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