Quote Originally Posted by Nickelking View Post
I'll second that, while it's good to have some honers listed it kind of relegates everyone else to second tier, if there is to be a honers directory I think it should be kept separate and in the vendors' forum. Unless of course the vendor has the explicit support of the forum. You could end up with people being leery of buying a shave ready razor in B/S/T.

Otherwise a separate list in the vendors' forum would be appropriate.
I missed this when it was first posted... I agree with it. Keeping the list seperate will make it easier to administer. But regardless of whether the list is separate or incorporated, such a list can never be administered fairly no matter how hard you try. That's why we traditionally have put the onus on the vendor to list themselves... eg, on the main site there is a links section where a vendor can list their website/services. We have a BuySellTrade forum where a vendor can list their goods and services. We have a Vendors forum where vendors can discuss their wares. We have a classifieds section where a vendor could list their goods and services. All of these would of course require that a newbie actually look in various spots on the site to find the info... hmmm... I'm not sure that's all bad, come to think of it.