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  1. #1
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    Default I did my first shave today

    Right off the bat, I'll say that I skimped on the prep and should have spent more time with the strop.

    All things said though it went quite well. I got a couple of nicks, nothing that cold water didn't fix, and ended up with a shave that was better than what I got a couple of years ago with the mach 3. And may I say that the goatee has never felt so perfectly trim.

    I was however a bit nervous about going with the grain on the neck as it goes side to side. I cheated a bit and went up and to the center, I'm sure that made it a bit rougher than it would otherwise be, but it made me a lot more comfortable.

    Lessons learned:
    -The strop is your friend
    -Take the time to pamper yourself with prep
    -The technique will come eventually

    And a big thank you to all on these forums for your help. Especially Syslight for his generosity and the people in the chat for moral support.

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Allright NK !!!!
    may they only get smoother......

  3. #3
    < Banned User >
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    Congrats! Things will continue to get better and I am very happy for you.

  4. #4
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Glad to hear you had a good time ... i would suggest going with the grain for a couple of weeks... multiple passes will still work... until your face becomes accustomed to the exfoliation.
    Be just and fear not.

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