Quote Originally Posted by atpinak View Post
Hi guys,

Last month (on February 16th) I bought a Thiers-Issard straight from classicshaving.com. I took advantage of their honing service, and specified that I'd like to have them send my razor to their honemeister directly to be honed.

Well, a week or so later I received the other thing I'd ordered from them (Lynn Abrams' DVD), and since I also had gotten e-mail confirmation that they sent out my order, I had no reason to assume that they'd done anything but send my razor on to be honed.

Well, I haven't received my razor yet. This actually isn't too big a deal, because I'm waiting on a scuttle that probably won't get here for another week or more, but I'm starting to be concerned that maybe something got lost along the way. A month is a long time...

But, I'm a newbie, so I have no idea how long honing normally takes. Is it normal that it should take so long?

Thanks in advance for your help...
These sentences sum it all up nicely. The guy was worried, not pissed and trying to make a scene. Most people are used to sharpening knives, which takes all of 5 minutes. With any other product, we would all be worried about getting one part of it but not the other within a month. Hell, he ordered a TI- I'd be worried straight into hives if I thought something that expensive got lost in the mail. That'll teach him to ask us for guidance