Quote Originally Posted by Arora Borealis View Post
What's the theory behind this Idea? Thanks.

The theory was probably derived from experience. The edge is better when you strop just before the shave.
The reasoning is that since steel immediately starts to oxidise/rust from exposure to water and air then the stropping removes the oxidation.
The razors may also have leftover shaving soap, skin cells, oils etc from the prior shave that need to be removed.

The major reason is to "align the edge", make it straight, remove any deformity in the edge caused by the prior shave.
Their is also the argument that when the steel was smelted,forged and ground that stresses are introduced that give the steel grains a direction. These stressor's are largely reduced during the heat treating and tempering process but are not removed. Since the edge is so thin the stress can cause the edge to move, possibly at the grain level. If you want to visualize this think of the edge as being "wavy" and the stropping temporarily straightens the edge.

There, thats the theory.

So, must a person strop just before each shave? No, but you will much prefer the shave when you do.