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  1. #1
    Member Gags1892's Avatar
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    Default Thinking of attempting ATG pass on my neck...

    I've been doing ATG passes on my face and upper areas of the neck by stretching my face from above -- so far with no problems. I really want to achieve a BBS shave, and I know in order to do that, I'm going to need to go ATG all over my neck!

    My beard grows very low down, and the skin on my neck is VERY sensitive. After the first 2 passes (both WTG), and a pretty solid shave, what are some good tips for prep and an ATG pass on the neck?

    Do I lather up, or just use water? How do you hold the razor when you're going ATG on the neck? Does the angle change as your going up the neck?

  2. #2
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    BY all means relather!!! how you hold the razor will depend on which side of your neck you are shaving and which hand you are using. before you lather up for your atg shave look in the mirror and try a few practice strokes without touching the skin, once you are satisfied with a game plan go ahead and lather up for that 2nd pass. Go slow and watch carefully and keep an eye on your blade angle, because your neck is contoured and is not a straight plane. Make adjustments as needed. Safety first and then technique, skill will follow. God bless and good shaving!!!

  3. #3
    Runs with Badgers
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    As I am sure you are aware, you have more resistance when you go ATG. You really have to fight the temptation of pushing too hard when facing resistance on the throat. I usually have to fight the natural tendency to push it.

    Also, I find that a good pre-shave oil, or well-lubricating shave soap will decrease the resistance and allow a smoother shave. I would also suggest washing your face off with warm water after going WTG, and reapplying lather to a wet and warm face.

  4. #4
    Member Gags1892's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply guys. I just wanted to clarify about the re-lathering or not because I've read a bunch of tips that say to just use warm water for ATG passes...

    I've been shaving with a straight for about 8 weeks now, and I just think it's time for a BBS! haha.

    Also, JonC and others: If I'm shaving ATG, and I get to a patch that does catch and I know if I pull I'll cut, should I just stop? Or lightly "chip away at it" so to speak?

  5. #5
    Newbie Str8 Shaver cwrighta70's Avatar
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    I would stress, as others, the importance of re-lathering! Today was my best shave yet, and I credit the lather almost entirely.

    Little pressure, take it slow, and stretch that skin REALLY tight.

  6. #6
    Runs with Badgers
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gags1892 View Post
    If I'm shaving ATG, and I get to a patch that does catch and I know if I pull I'll cut, should I just stop?
    I am but a simple newbie, but I have recently been going through a lot of the same.

    Go SLOW! Realize that your razor might not be cutting correctly because your lather does not contain enough water, your razor was not stropped enough, the angle is slightly off, etc. If you have a tough beard like I do, using smaller passes in rough areas is a good way to get a smooth shave without getting cut.

    /I hate to say it, but experimenting and keeping an alum stick close by is a great way to learn.

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