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  1. #21
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Just my two cents....If you're going to use a feather,I would just go with a straight.As was stated earlier in this thread ,feathers are unforgiving(especially if your going to head shave with it) and IMHO are really not a good representation of a real straight.A straight will solve all of your razor bump issues.Call Straight razor designs..they can recommend an affordable package(shave kit)for you and help you out.Like most everyone else who comes here,once you get over the learning curve,you will love it.But a word of advice on the advice patient,read the wiki before jumping off half ****ed and ask advice from the vendors and stay away from E-Bay.If you don't know much about straight razors,you could end up buying a headache from there.And also,when buying a straight,you'll want a honemaster to make it shave ready.It only usually runs about 20.00.Most razors do not come shave ready from the factory and unless you know the vendor well,it should never be assumed to be shave ready.Once you make the initial investment you will have equipment for life as opposed to buying new blades.about the only thing you will buy is shave soap and more razors once you get hooked.We here call it RAD (Razor acquisitions disease). Welcome to SRP

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Nightblade For This Useful Post:

    jimrobb (01-07-2011)

  3. #22
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    The very shallow cuts from letting your straight razor touch your face accidentally tended to hear for me in 2-5 days. Good facial skin cream, good nutrition, vitamins, and care not to bother it all work in your favor to shorten the healing time.

    Also, if I can remember correctly, I think I let my facial hair grow out for two to three days.

    Good Luck,


  4. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimrobb View Post
    That is exactly what has been happening to me. I have sort of set the blade down on my face at 90 degrees. Like black magic, a thin red line appears, and it takes a week to go away. Pabster, any way to shorten the healing process? Thanks.
    The best trick is to apply a bit of triple antibiotic ointment
    (like Neosporin). It does help....

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

    jimrobb (01-07-2011)

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