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  1. #1
    Green Shaver
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    Default wedge as first srtaight?

    Hi, i wanted to ask if a wedge would be ok for a first straight? i dont know the advantages/disadvantages of wedge vs hollow and wanted to know if it would be a mistake for a first timer. Someone was nice enough to hold a wedge for sale for me so i could figure it out. Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    WHAT?! (Member) paulo's Avatar
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    I see no problem with using a wedge for your first straight razor. It is more effort to hone, no more effort to strop, and gives a quieter shave (it doesn't ring or "sing" like the more flexible hollow ground razors). Since wedges are less flexible, some people report that they are less forgiving when passing over scars or blemishes (pimples, monkey knife fight damage from your last shave), but frankly, your face is orders of magnitude more flexible than any blade, hollow ground or wedge, and I don't see how a hollow ground will "give" appreciably as it passes over your skin.

    I have both, and like them both. Make the purchase with confidence. And don't forget to show off your razor with photos (SOTD, Showcase).
    Last edited by paulo; 04-19-2008 at 04:51 AM. Reason: spellin'

  3. #3
    Newbie Str8 Shaver cwrighta70's Avatar
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    I agree whole-heartedly with Paulo. A wedge should be just fine to start out with.

    Good luck!


  4. #4
    Green Shaver
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    Thanks guys! I went ahead and bought it...along with a hollow so i can try both.. Oh no now it begins

  5. #5
    I hone therefore I shave moviemaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightblazer View Post
    Thanks guys! I went ahead and bought it...along with a hollow so i can try both.. Oh no now it begins
    That's the spirit - try both worlds

    I'd say any razor is fine to start out with - as long as it's not TOO small - 5/8 or wider is the best option for learners.

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