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  1. #1
    Padawan Learner nosmo1963's Avatar
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    Default First Shave Complete!!!

    I just completed my first shave. I did have to cheat and do my first pass on my throat under my chin with my Mach3. The second and third passes were done with my wade and butcher's.

    I am pleased to report, no nicks but the razor(s) did pull on my 2 day beard. I am probably going to send at least one of them to Lynn later this week. My cheeks are at least as smooth as with my Mach3 so I am pleased at my first attempt.

    I did my first pass on the vertical downstrokes starting on my cheeks. I then did 2 passes using the cross pull technique. As I said I had to punk out and use my Mach3 when I started under my chin and throat on the first pass.

    I have a little razor burn on my neck from my technique and possibly a dull razor. Overall my wife is please with the smoothness of my cheeks. I am now hooked and will be re-watching Lynn's video and working on my technique.


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    Great news. Just take it slow till you get comfortable. Use the straight to do the sides only till you get the hang of it before you try shaving your throat or chin. At the start , SLOWER is better then just diving in and going for it all. It gets tempting at first cause you REALLY want this , but hold firm to slowing down. It will payoff at the end. ENJOY and welcome to OUR world.
    Having Fun Shaving

  3. #3
    Newbie Str8 Shaver cwrighta70's Avatar
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    Hey Jim! Congrats on your first shave.

    Question: Had your razors been honed to shave-ready before using them?

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Padawan Learner nosmo1963's Avatar
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    I followed Lynn's pyramid method for honing my razor(s) on my Norton Waterstone. I then did 10 strokes on a barber stone that I acquired. I then stropped the razor 30 times and then let them rest overnight. I did do the thumbnail test and I did not feel any burrs or sticking points so I thought that I would try shaving. Before shaving in the morning I stropped each razor 20 times.

    I did have a 2 day growth so my beard was a bit heavier so I felt some pulling. I am going to send them to Lynn after payday to have them honed properly. Overall though I had a pleasant experience and I am really looking forward to having a better shave once the blades have been honed.

    I will be watching Lynn's video again, especially the shaving section. I am going to buff out my razors as was demonstrated in the video before sending them to be honed.

    I hope that is enough information:


  5. #5
    Newbie Str8 Shaver cwrighta70's Avatar
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    Shoot, props to you for honing your own razors, Jim! It will definitely be good to send them to Lynn, that way you'll have a benchmark to compare to.

    Keep it up!


  6. #6
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Congrats on your first shave and a good one at that!
    Sounds like you are well on your way with both your honing and shaving...

  7. #7
    Padawan Learner nosmo1963's Avatar
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    I am just an old Eagle Scout that likes to learn how to do this sort of thing. Leter in the week I am picking up some MAAS polishing creme and the proper tip for my rotary tool and I am going to clean my razors.


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