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  1. #1
    Senior Member Navaja's Avatar
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    Default Another shave . . . another cut . . .

    I continue religiously my daily shaves, alternating between a Shavette and a Waki (so far this is it)
    I can't find the right technique for the spot under the lower lip.
    I end up getting cut, and forced to wait for the next day. The rest of the face and neck works ok.
    If I continue the cuts/nicks, pretty soon I won't have to worry about it

  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Maybe you've already tried this but I'll offer it anyway. Poke your tongue against the area (from inside your mouth!) to stretch skin and to make the area convex. That should make it easier. If you are still cutting there, hold the blade to do a vertical pass from side to side while projecting with your tongue. You can control the angle between the blade and your skin by slightly moving your tongue.

    I hope that's clear enough.

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