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Thread: First good cut

  1. #1
    N8N is offline
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    Default First good cut

    So I've been shaving with a straight for a little over a month and just love it! I've had very good luck, a couple tiny nics w/just a spec of blood. Thought I was doing awesome, then I got my first truly sharp blade( a wonderful thing from cannonfodder) and the first swipe- got a cut right next to my ear. But still, it was small, not deep-nothing really. Today though, same blade, same toe of the blade- dug that sucker right into my cheek trying out a new angle. Wrong angle I guess, she was a bleeder and no styptic pencil But I'm still alive with most my blood and still have no intention of ever going back to my m3. Will be getting a styptic pencil soon, if I can afford it- got bad RAD.

  2. #2
    Beaker bevansmw's Avatar
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    Well the stypic is only a couple of bucks. I have one and don't even really use it. I've had a few nicks but nothing that really bled really bad usually able to just let it bleed and it stops almst right away then I can just whipe off the dried blood with a washcloth between lathering or something.

  3. #3
    Senior Member fallout55's Avatar
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    I have a few spike/sharpies that I seem to cut myself with regularly. I've been shaving (with a str8t) for 4 months now and I've found there are a couple of my blades that I have to be super careful with.
    I can't count the nicks I've given myself with one of my Bokers. I find myself skipping over it in the rotation and if I do use it and get a nick I decide to put it on BST..and then I change my mind because it's the sharpest thing I've got It's the toe of the blade for me also. I think some blades may not work well with my shaving style..

  4. #4
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    That's the reason I stayed away from spike points. (and I mean only the ones with a real spike point, not the ones that are ever so slightly round over)
    There's nothing that needs precise outlining on my face, and I don't think they 're the way to go when still experimenting with different shaving strokes. The risk for a mean cut (as opposed to an insignificant nick) is just too high, in my opinion.
    Maybe when I round my first year of straight shaving, I 'll stop considering them a no go.

  5. #5
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    Go to your local CVS and buy a styptic pencil. It's like $2.99 or something, so anybody can afford that.

    When you cut yourself, immediately stop shaving, run the pencil under cold water, apply to cut liberally (conservatives can also do this, don't be ashamed!), then resume shaving.

    I fing that immediate application of the styptic is better than waiting until after your shave is all done.

  6. #6
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    I seem to do a whole lot better with my round points, I have a square point DD Goldedge, gotta be careful. I love that blade, but ya gotta keep a keen eye on the keen blade.

  7. #7
    Member sssz's Avatar
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    Default I'm feeling the pain too...

    I too cut my self up nice and good 3 days ago, bled for like an hour. I had put some paper towel over the cut to soak up the blood. After about 3 hours it was stuck to my face, I ripped it off and it started all over again. It also started bleeding that night as well. Will I go back to M3's, hell no! I did get some weird sideways glances from other work colleagues, kinda like fight club!

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