Quote Originally Posted by CactusBob View Post
I did use the white Jewelers rouge to on a couple straights. On a Joesph Elliot silver steel blade it worked great, shaved the arm hair, face hair anything that got in its way. It was a really comfortable shave.

I also tried a George Wostenholm Pipe Razor and no matter what I did I dont think it would cut butter. It came off my barbers hone easily cutting the hair on my arm but as soon as it hit the strop it seemed to dull right up.

If you look at the edge it puts a mirror shine on the bevel. Once I get some hones I'm going to try testing it out some more.

I have a theory on this I am no expert and I can't prove my theory but to me it makes sense. I have a 12000 grit polishing stone and after using it on either of my blades I know it's sharp and if I try it on arm hair it cuts right through it. (I had BBS arms for a week) However if I try a HHT the hair seems to float right over it without cutting at all. However if I take and strop the blade even just a few passes it will pass HHT no Problem. My theory is that the 12000 grit stone polishes the bevel so well that the hair slips right over it. Then the strop will put microscopic serations on the blade that will "catch the hair and slice right through it. Someday when I have the time I will have to get a microscope to test this theory but until then I know what works.