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  1. #1
    Junior Member Fortytwoblades's Avatar
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    Default Found some oldies...

    I was digging around in a local shop that buys and sells vintage tools and stumbled upon a few old straights. One was utterly obliterated through severely poor honing (looked almost like it was taken to a sander or something it was so misshapen) but I found a beefy 6/8??? Wade and Butcher Diamond Edge. The edge is real dull but no damage save for a nearly invisible ding near the heel, the blade is patinated, but not rusted though the pivot has some slight rust. The horn handle is pretty aged, but functional. It's only $ it worth it? I know W&B are pretty popular here.

    There was also another one by a Sheffield maker I can't remember, but the tang stamp said that they were cutlers "for Their Majesties." One small point of the edge had a slight "crinkle" and the bone handle slab on one side had a crack around the spacer pin. Only $6.00 on this one.

    Neither of these have signs of being improperly honed. Which if either is worth it?

  2. #2
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Go for the W&B. That is a real find if it has no rust and at a great price.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by sicboater View Post
    Go for the W&B. That is a real find if it has no rust and at a great price.
    +1 on that. And from what I've seen and heard any Sheffield steel is a good bet.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Fortytwoblades's Avatar
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    There's no rust on the blade, but the tang has some "crust," you know, that black stable stuff. Not much, though. The whole thing is covered in a dark gray patina, and the horn of the handle is pretty dry and starting to deteriorate at the ends. The pivot pin also seems slightly small, as the blade has slight vertical play if tugged.

    Because of the patina I could only make out the blade etching by looking at an angle. Should I send it to someone to restore/rehandle it? And if so, who?

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    BTW, nice avatar Fortytwoblades....


  6. #6
    Junior Member Fortytwoblades's Avatar
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    Thank you! It's an image of Odin that I have tattooed on my back.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Fortytwoblades's Avatar
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    At any rate, who does refits and restoration, and how much would it usually run? I'd just be looking at some simple scales, nothing exotic. Anything would be better than the thin and worn horn.

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