I f you read further into the threads that are here and in the shaving forum, you'll see that the HHT is not an indicator that you will have a great shave. Having read through a couple of threads, there have been instances where the HHT was successful however the shave was less than stellar.

Case in point; My shaves.
I ordered a razor from Matt (or is it Mike) Ratcliff, a Wapi to be exact, shave ready, and shave ready it was. My technique was all over the place and I managed the session with a very sore face and some pretty red spots around the corner of my lips. Never mind the fact that I did not strop (I don't own one) as it was sold as "
Shave ready."

The next shave went better, as did the subsequent three others. Neither time did I strop, and neither times did the HHT work. I adjusted my angles to compensate which made a world of a difference.

Which brings me back to the HHT again. Different people have different hair and some hair may be to thick to pass the test.

Now I can't wait to try my hand at stropping (been practicing on a leather belt that I have) and shaving.


Sorry for the wall of text.