Everything has already been covered here so I will only touch on the money issue: it doesn't matter.
I admit I have gone a bit overboard on hones, but only because I like honing and experimenting with stones. Not because I need them in the sense that I cannot go without them.

My strop is the practise strop that I got for free with my TM heirloom, which I sold when I had someone over who wanted to learn to use his straight. It was a great strop, but my rough looking practise strop works just as well.

My razors are not high end at all.
1 is the weltmeister that I bought before I found SRP.
2 is the John Barber I bought for 99ct, covered in rust and restored.
3 is the Joseph rodgers with massive honewear I got for free from thebigspendur because the edge was ruined.

All 3 can give me very good shaves.
I have also shaved with a 8/8 friodur, Joseph Rodgers razors or all types, wapienica, ... . and I have to say that shaving wise, there is very little difference if they are properly honed.
Some might keep their edge longer, and be a bit stiffer, but they won't magically give you a good shave.

It took me half a year on SRP before I finally got shaves that were really good and comfortable. Even now I still learn something new from time to time. Technique is everything.

The one thing I noticed most is that in the beginning it is easier to learn to shave with stiffer, heavier razors than with full hollows.