Second on the pressure thing. If the razor is sharp, then irritation can come from too much pressure.

Pulling might be because you are leading with the heel. Lead with the toe. When shaving down, make sure the tip(toe) of the razor is even with or lower than the handle, just a little.

Razors are sharpened this way, the honing stroke creates teeth that have a steeper slope on the edge facing the handle, and gentler slope on the edge pointing away. If you pull the razor heel-first, you are trying to use the very steep angle, which causes the tooth to jab into the whisker and pull. If you go toe-first, the back edge of the tooth slides across the whisker, slicing it smoothly.

Since the teeth edges "lean" toward the tang, going straight down works as well.

It's in all the barber manuals.

I have also found that some newly honed razors *improve* with each stropping for a while, maybe 3 - 4 uses. The get smoother and pull less during this period.

Finally, make sure you are sufficiently moisturizing your whiskers. At least 3 minues with a warm towel, or right after the shower. And keep relathering as you shave.

Hope this helps.