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  1. #1
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    Default SS or Carbon? Newbie

    [FONT='Tahoma','sans-serif']Looking to purchase a straight razor, but still sifting through a lot of information. I've used a brush and DE razor for some time now, so I already have many of the items I would need. My concern is which kind of steel razor I should get: Stainless or Carbon? I've read a great deal about both. My particular concern is mostly environmental. I live in San Diego, CA. It's a dry climate, but my apt is only about four blocks from the bay. I've had things spontaneously rust here that never even showed signs of corrosion when I lived back in Kansas. There's a moist saline mist in the air just about every night. Would I be able to keep a Dovo or similar high carbon blade rust free with minimal maintenance, or would I drive myself crazy trying? I'm also concerned because I understand stainless steel is more difficult to hone. Opinions are most welcome. [/FONT]

  2. #2
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    You can coat an HCS razor with carnelia oil an you should not have any rust problems. A stainless blade is a little harder to hone but it maintains an edge for a little longer. I have some blades of both types but use Camelia oil on everything just out of habit.
    Last edited by netsurfr; 06-30-2008 at 12:57 AM.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Keep in mind Stainless razors are more rust resistant than high carbon but they are probably closer to high carbon than other true stainless steels. I suspect if bathed in salt air they would rust also. I agree some oil application will solve the rust issue. The honing is no big deal. They just take a few extra strokes that's all.
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  4. #4
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    I don't think you'll have a problem honestly, The art of Shaving is SanFransisco sells Ti's, and they would have the same problem...
    Just make sure you oil your blade, and watch it closely... don't store it under your cabinet.

  5. #5
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    yeah, don't worry about rust - if you use the razor every day i don't imagine you'll have a problem and if you do, treating it with oil as the others before me suggested should solve it. That's 10 more seconds so even if it's a bit of a pain it's not too bad - I probably spend 20-30 seconds to rinse the blade, and dry the razor at the end of the shave.
    and yeah honing stainless steel is not worse than honing carbon steel - in fact one of my stainless blades is one of the easiest razors to hone - it's just because the blade is perfectly straight and the steel is great.
    Last edited by gugi; 06-30-2008 at 05:51 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    yeah, don't worry about rust - if you use the razor every day i don't imagine you'll have a problem and if you do, treating it with oil as the others before me suggested should solve it. That's 10 more seconds so even if it's a bit of a pain it's not too bad - I probably spend 20-30 seconds to rinse the blade, and dry the razor at the end of the shave.
    and yeah honing stainless steel is not worse than honing carbon steel - in fact one of my stainless blades is one of the easiest razors to hone - it's just because the blade is perfectly straight and the steel is great.
    +1 on this.

    SS Henckkels Friodurs I have found to be difficult to hone, but my Dovo SS is a peach!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    yeah, don't worry about rust - if you use the razor every day i don't imagine you'll have a problem and if you do, treating it with oil as the others before me suggested should solve it. That's 10 more seconds so even if it's a bit of a pain it's not too bad - I probably spend 20-30 seconds to rinse the blade, and dry the razor at the end of the shave.
    and yeah honing stainless steel is not worse than honing carbon steel - in fact one of my stainless blades is one of the easiest razors to hone - it's just because the blade is perfectly straight and the steel is great.
    +2. SS can still rust, but honestly I've never had a rust problem. I put a coat of oil on all razors except my daily shaver. Its CS and has never had even the slightest rust problem. About every 2-3 weeks I switch my daily razor with another one from my collection. New daily stops getting oiled and I oil up the old razor before putting it in storage.

  8. #8
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    I've found a use for all those little packets of silica gel you get in everything you buy (the ones that say "THROW AWAY. DO NOT EAT"). I collect them in the back of the drawer where I keep my razors. The drawer is not in the bathroom. The bathroom is too humid.

    In a pinch, a handful of ordinary rice wrapped in a paper towel is an OK dessicant.

    For the truly fanatical, a guy I work with swears by Bullfrog vapor-phase corrosion inhibitors (google it). I never tried them myself but he keeps one in every drawer of his tool box & thinks they're great.

    I've never had any rust problems yet.

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