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  1. #1
    Senior Member toolarts's Avatar
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    Default Loaner Razors, Anyone?

    This is probably insane, but I have a problem. I have too many razors, and I can't make myself get rid of them. I just tried selling 4 on B/S/T and it worked, but it was painful. I'm not sure I am cut out to sell my razors.

    On the other hand, I have way more than I can use. So, I had this idea.

    Loaner razors.

    Lot's of people might like to try out a straight without too much risk.
    Or, some guys might like to have an extra around while they are learning to strop.
    Some guys might even like one to "compare to" while they are learning to hone.
    Or, maybe you just want to try out a different kind, wedge vs hollow, big fat 7/8 vs a 5/8, round point, etc.

    Well, I have almost every kind, thin wedges, fat wedges, 4/8 hollows 7/8 hollows, round points, you name it. I also have Genco, Torrey, W&B, Bismark, Red Imp, Electric Cutler, and lots of others.

    It would kinda work like this: I figure out what the razor is worth to me, and you pay that as a deposit.
    You also pay shipping one way (as little as $2.60), and I send you the razor. When you are done, you send it back, I refund your deposit if you didn't damage the razor. Dull is OK. Chipped, broken, etc., are not.

    Honest I am not trying to sell them, but I know how guys can fall in love with razors, and so, if you really want to keep one, I would be okay with that. Just let me know and I keep the deposit. It would also make my girlfriend happy to see the overall number go down. Once it is out of my sight, I could probably be convinced to part with it.

    I would post the list in the Vendor's corner, since there is a good chance some of these will find permanent homes, and it would NOT be fair to the other vendors to advertise a lot in this forum.
    At the same time, I'm not in it to make money and don't think I will, so I don't think I'm dangerous competition. I *won't* be restoring and polishing these razors up and selling them as product. I would rather get them back and loan them to someone else.

    I would like to put a note here in the Newbies Corner periodically reminding people that this option exists.

    At this point, I am looking for FEEDBACK on the idea.

    Maybe it has been tried before?
    Maybe it is unsafe? (you know, all those *used* razors....)
    Maybe the whole thing is rediculous... I don't know.
    Maybe you think it is a BAD idea????

    All I know is, I am willing to hone up these razors for free and make them available to folks, as long as I don't have to take on a lot of risk.

    Let me know what you think!

    Last edited by toolarts; 07-13-2008 at 08:11 PM. Reason: typo

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  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    I think you maybe on to something here. Especially for some of the newer members that have not had the chance to experience the different types of razors out there.
    Having Fun Shaving

  4. #3
    Member witmen's Avatar
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    I think it would be pretty cool to try something new without being stuck with it if I don't like it. I only have 3 razors right now and they are all pretty much the same exact razor as far as type, size and even scale color. So yea I could really go for tryin something new. If SRP is cool with it anyway.

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I don't think it's a bad idea and is probably a good idea, but I also think that you should be prepared for the eventuality of not seeing the razor returned. Thus I think your idea of a deposit equaling your assessment of the razor's value + shipping costs to be a fine idea, but perhaps the deposit needs to be increased by an amount equal to the anticipated repairs/re-honing costs required by its use in a beginner's untrained hands.

    witmen, where did you find that Mason's avatar? I'd like to use it too.

    thanks, Bruce
    Last edited by Bruce; 07-13-2008 at 08:28 PM.

  6. #5
    Thread Killer shuredgefan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post
    ...perhaps the deposit needs to be increased by an amount equal to the anticipated repairs/re-honing costs required by its use in a beginner's untrained hands.
    Unless you enjoy repairing/honing as a passtime.

  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    This has been discussed before and it never got off the ground. I don't think the anticipated problem was with people not returning the razor but more what if a razor was lost in transit or came back badly damaged and people started pointing fingers at each other.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  8. #7
    Senior Member toolarts's Avatar
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    Default Finger Pointing

    The finger pointing is not something I am too worried about.

    First of all, I tried several times over 20 years to learn to shave with a straight. SRP finally made it happen for me. I have no problem giving something back in return. I see the honing as me giving something back and helping newbies get started.

    One possibility would be: even though the program is really a "loaner" program, in order to avoid some of the aforementioned stuff, I will structure each transaction as a PURCHASE. You bought the razor from me. Drop it, ding it, heat it, let it sit wet, sand it, boil it, hone it, whatever you want. It's your razor.

    If you take care of it and send it back dull but in good condition, I'll refund your deposit.

    We would be talking $20.00 razors here, mostly. Nothing really expensive.

    I don't know...maybe the terms will change over time. I think it is worth a try.
    Last edited by toolarts; 07-13-2008 at 11:06 PM. Reason: text change

  9. #8
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Paul, absolutely - there is no way to know ahead of time if it will work or not. You'll probably have a couple of bad experiences and some good ones too. After a while you will see if the good feelings from helping out others outweigh those from the occasional bad experience and if they don't you can just stop doing it.

    And while we're at it, I always wanted to try lancets and friodurs - got any?
    Quote Originally Posted by toolarts View Post
    We would be talking $20.00 razors here, mostly. Nothing really expensive.
    ...never mind

  10. #9
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I'd say it's a great idea as long as you are willing to do it; after all, that's all that really matters. Just make sure you are very clear in laying out the rules so that as much finger pointing as possible is avoided.

  11. #10
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    Well, Toolarts... I guess you have had a very nice idea. I suppose you can count me in as a possible candidate for the loaning of razors... Of course these are personal objects not to be used by too many people. I suppose there should be a sanitizing issue involved but it can, quite easily, be sorted out...

    I, for one, would be interested to take part in such a thing because - as you say - you have a collection of razors that you don't want to sell and don't want to see it gather dust. Plus there are a lot of razors I would like to try out and are really hard to come by... for instance, the 1700 razors you have. I don't know if you are thinking of loaning those but, for me, it would be a obvious loan! Sorry if I was indiscret...

    I say go for it, considering that you are very strict laying the groung rules for such a deal. And all of us being gentlemen I suppose you will not have a return issue in your hands. I would suggest that the time during wich you loan the razors is specified beforehand through negitiation... If I were you, that's what I'd do.

    And there's another thing: what if the person you loan the razor to falls in love with it? Do you consider the option of selling? I guess you'd rest asured that your love one is going to be loved... but who loves the most?...

    Great idea! Thanks for thinking of it!

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