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  1. #11
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randydance062449 View Post
    For me, a really good edge is smooth and sufficiently sharp to remove almost all whiskers with a single pass. The primary requirement is smooth. I also find that some razors can be to sharp and leave me with a bunch of "weepers". I also have a "bumpy" face.

    Well clearly, your face needs to be lapped. Now where did I put my Triple Extra Coarse stone...

    For me, a shave test is with the grain, and if after one pass the area looks (a close look in a mirror) and feels (running my finger with the grain) smooth, and shaved smoothly, that is good for me. I don't usually shave against the grain, because unless it's a special occasion, I don't find it necessary. As such, my "shave ready" blades are ready for my typical shaves.

    Naturally, my top shavers will go XTG and ATG without a hitch, but if there is a blade that I would like to have in my rotation that isn't quite there, that is ok by me.

  2. #12
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I think I understand what your asking here Colin, and would answer that my personal definitive test of the edge is an Against The Grain (ATG) pass with no preamble on my neck.... If the blade mows right through with no pulling, tugging, or skipping, then I deem that blade shave worthy....
    For me it takes a very good edge to accomplish this, I can get perfectly serviceable shaves with a lesser edge, but if the razor pass this test it has to be very keen.... I hope that I read your post correctly and that was the info the you were looking for....
    Exactly! This is the perfect edge.

  3. #13
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    [quote=gssixgun;239628]I think I understand what your asking here Colin, and would answer that my personal definitive test of the edge is an Against The Grain (ATG) pass with no preamble on my neck.... /quote]

    I have to second Glen on this one. ATG under the chin is the real test. If it isn't sharp, it hurts immediately. It is a good test.


  4. #14
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I think I understand what your asking here Colin, and would answer that my personal definitive test of the edge is an Against The Grain (ATG) pass with no preamble on my neck.... /quote]

    I have to second Glen on this one. ATG under the chin is the real test. If it isn't sharp, it hurts immediately. It is a good test.

    I will third that one. ATG under the chin is indeed a real test!!!

  5. #15
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If you were blindfolded and someone gave you a shave with you not knowing you were about to get one and you couldn't barely feel the blade on your face no matter what direction it traveled and you ended up with BBS all over and not the faintest hint of any irritation thats it for me.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #16
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    If you were blindfolded and someone gave you a shave with you not knowing you were about to get one and you couldn't barely feel the blade on your face no matter what direction it traveled and you ended up with BBS all over and not the faintest hint of any irritation thats it for me.
    I understand the nerve endings in your face begin to die as you grow older. Is this true?

  7. #17
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    I've never gotten anywhere close to complete BBS, but if I can cut the hairs on the right side of my oesophagus (sp?) like butter, the blade's sharp and my face is happy.

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